DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
International Keynote Presentations on Early School Leaving: Dr. Paul Downes

International Keynote Presentations on Early School Leaving: Dr Paul Downes

Dr. Paul Downes, Director, Educational Disadvantage Centre, Associate Professor of Education (Psychology) at DCU's Institute of Education gave two keynote presentations at Education Ministry Fora in Finland and Malta. The title of his keynote presentation at the Finnish National Agency for Education, Flexible Basic Education Forum, Lahti, Finland, September 23-24, 2019 was Beyond resilience to inclusive systems for prevention of early school leaving in Europe: A spatial-relational approach.

Dr. Downes' other keynote presentation was From ELET (Early Leaving from Education and Training) Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems as Concentric Relational Space: Future Steps for a Holistic, Differentiated Systemic Vision across Europe. This took place at the ELET – The Way Forward, International Conference, The Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability, Ministry of Education and Employment, President’s Palace, Malta, November 27-29, 2019.

Both presentations were based on his new book, Reconstructing agency in developmental and educational psychology: Inclusive Systems as Concentric Space. New York/London/New Delhi: Routledge https://www.routledge.com/Reconstructing-Agency-in-Developmental-and-Educational-Psychology-Inclusive/Downes/p/book/9781138158856