European Commission Video on Early School Leaving Headline Target
The European Commission’s Directorate General Education and Culture has released a new video on the importance of preventing early school leaving and its strategic centrality to EU policy making in the context of early school leaving prevention being an ET2020 Headline Target. Dr. Paul Downes, Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, Associate Professor of Education (Psychology) in the Institute of Education, DCU was a contributor to the video regarding the impact of early school leaving.
Contributors to the video also include the Austrian Minister for Education, Science & Research, Iris Eliisa Rauskala on the need for inter-Departmental collaboration between Education and Social Systems, and the French Minister for Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, on school climate and parental involvement. Other contributors include the Swedish Minister for Education, Anna Ekstrom and Michael Teutsch, Head of the EU Commission’s Unit for Schools and Multilingualism.