DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
Science Week 2019 Event

Science Week 2019 Event

Science Week 2019 LogoCombating Climate Change in Irish Primary Schools

As part of this year’s science week , the Irish Association for Primary Science Education is holding a symposium and panel discussion on “How primary school children, schools and communities can take action to combat climate change”. The aim of this event is to inform, enable and empower adults working with children and young people in formal and informal education settings to take action and become climate change and sustainability champions.

Speakers in the symposium include:

  • Ms Grainne Ryan: Climate Action Officer, Environmental Education Unit, An Taisce
  • Professor Jenny McElwain: Professor in Botany, Trinity College University
  • Dr Benjamin Mallon: Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education, DCU
  • Ms Aimée Lawlor and Ms Jenny Stanley: Teachers from Donabate / Portrane ETNS

At this event the Irish Association for Primary Science Education (IAPSE) will be officially launched by Mr. Tomás ó Ruairc, Director of the Teaching Council of Ireland and Prof Pádraig ó Duibhir (Deputy Dean, DCU Institute of Education)

This event will take place on Wednesday 13th of November from 6.00 - 8pm, Seamus Heaney Lecture Hall, DCU St Patrick’s Campus.
Refreshments from 5.30 pm

Registration is free, but please register here:

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