DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
Professor Keiko Katagiri - Photo by Paul Murphy

Professor from Kobe University Japan Visits

Professor Keiko Katagiri is a professor in the Graduate School of Human Development and Environment in Kobe University Japan. She is also the director of the Kobe Active Aging Research Hub (KAARb). She was visiting the DCU Institute of Education (IoE) for one month from the 20th August until the 16th September.

During this time, she met with staff in the IOE. This was in relation to adult education and lifelong learning, developing research partnership opportunities, learning about  DCU diversity and inclusion policies and  promoting and developing international relations between Kobe University and Dublin City University (DCU).

On Thursday 12th September, Keiko presented a lecture titled ‘Contemporary Teachers and Seniors in Japan.’ Keiko welcomes joint collaboration between staff and projects from Dublin City University (DCU) and Kobe University Japan. This is especially with a focus on adult education and lifelong learning. For further information, please contact Dr Trudy Corrigan, School of Policy and Practice, Institute of Education.