DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education student to present at global gathering of Education Deans
DCU Institute of Education student to present at Global Education Conference

DCU Institute of Education student to present at global gathering of Education Deans

A DCU Institute of Education student will travel to Shanghai this October to present her research to a gathering of Deans of Education from across the world.

PhD student Rosaria Kunda Marron from DCU's Institute of Education, was awarded a prestigious Fellowship from the Global Education Deans Forum (GEDF).

The Fellowship is awarded to five outstanding research students across the globe.

Rosaria's research explores the use of a community based model of early childhood education to provide care and support for vulnerable children.

With the ever changing global landscape which sometimes leads to increasing levels of vulnerability among young children, community based education programmes may provide a viable option for children who may otherwise miss out on the accrued benefits of early childhood education.

This is so particularly in places where governments are unable to provide the service.

"The significance of being awarded the GEDF is that it provides an opportunity for myself and DCU to be part of a global team that will collaborate on a piece of research that links academic research in the field of technology in education with education policy and practice," said Rosaria.

"The fellowship allows the various universities in the forum to strengthen collaboration through a joint research project that the selected fellows will work on," added Rosaria.

"We think education researchers play an important role in ensuring that education research becomes assistive and developmental as well as academic," commented thesis supervisor Prof Gerry McNamara, School of Policy and Practice.

Pictured: Prof Gerry McNamara, Rosari Kunda Marron, Dr Gillian Lake