DCU Institute of Education
DCU Institute of Education
Jim Kavanagh with the Class of 1969 Reunion Committee members with Executive Dean, Dr Anne Looney and Alumni Officer Mary Larki

Class of 1969 reunite at DCU

On Friday, August 23rd the 1969 St Patrick's Class of National Teachers returned to the DCU St Patrick’s Campus for their Golden Jubilee celebration.

Eighty six graduates celebrated their 50th anniversary in style and paid a fitting tribute to classmates who had passed away during that time.

As a mark of respect to those classmates, the reunion commenced with a prayer service delivered by Fr Tony Lambe.

The organising committee led by Jim Kavanagh and Executive Dean Dr Anne Looney, planted a tree in their memory.

The President of DCU, Prof Brian MacCraith welcomed the Class of 1969 back to campus and provided an update on the developments at DCU and the Institute of Education.

The Class of 1969 enjoyed a drinks reception in the new library, taking in the stunning view from the balcony before a campus tour and four course meal in the student restaurant.

Chairman of the organising committee, Jim Kavanagh addressed all of his classmates with anaddress through Irish and expressed his sincere thanks to President Brian MacCraith, Executive Dean, Dr Anne Looney and Alumni Officer, Mary Larkin for a hugely enjoyable Golden Jubilee Celebration at DCU: 

"It was clear from the President's welcome address that the University considered this reunion to be very important and as a result we were treated royally as very important guests for which we are very grateful.

The University was very proud to host its first 50th anniversary reunion."