Postgraduate Programmes
Master of Education in Autism (MEdA)
The Masters of Education in Autism (MEdA) is a unique, part-time, blended, two-year programme focusing on the needs of educators working with children and young people with autism. Open to educators working in primary and post-primary schools, in special schools, classes or in other recognised educational centres, this part-time course is delivered in a blended format to make it accessible and sustainable for practicing teachers working in schools.
- Learners will develop a deep understanding regarding the strengths and profiles of pupils with autism, with an understanding of the role of whole school approaches in supporting inclusive education.
- Gain practical support and expert guidance in using assessment to inform accurate pupil profiles and facilitate individualised planning to support inclusive education.
- Learners will master a range of relevant research methods and complete a level 9 dissertation.
- Fee scholarships available for entrants and graduates of relevant postgraduate qualifications may be considered to enter the 2nd year.
Graduate Diploma in Inclusive and Special Education (GDISE)
The Graduate Diploma in Inclusive and Special Education is a one-year, part-time postgraduate diploma programme that aims to provide substantial theoretical and practical continuing professional development to teachers who work with learners deemed to have special educational needs and/or who require learning support in primary, post-primary and special schools and other recognised educational settings.
It is delivered in a blended format. This involves attending lectures, seminars and workshops during eight weeks of block-release that is spread out over the course of one academic year. It also includes on-line learning, and attendance at a maximum of ten on-line evening classes during the year and supervised work in teachers’ own schools/centres. Learning also occurs during visits by course tutors to schools, in dedicated on-line sessions and through engagement with resources made available on DCU learning platforms. In order to participate in the programme, teachers will need access to a computer and broadband internet access.
Masters in Education in Special Educational Needs (MEdEN)
The Masters in Education in Special Educational Needs (MEdEN) is a blended programme open to qualified experienced teachers working in primary and post-primary schools, in special schools or classes or in other recognised educational centres. Applicants must already have completed a recognised postgraduate diploma programme of continuing professional development for teachers involved in learning support, inclusive or special education. The aim of the programme is to develop teachers' knowledge and skills in analysing, critiquing and applying research literature in the area of special and inclusive education and in carrying out research relevant to children and young people with learning difficulties or special educational needs.
Graduate Certificate in Autism Education (GCAE)
The aim of the programme will be to provide substantial theoretical and practical training for teachers working with autistic pupils/pupils on the Autism Spectrum and, thereby, to contribute to the school’s overall capacity in this area.
The programme is one-year part-time blended course which runs from September to May and consists of 5 modules. It aims to enhance good autism practice for learners in a range of educational settings including primary, post primary and special schools. Indicative Modules are:
- Autism: Assessment Profiling and planning
- Autism: Planning Teaching and Learning (1 and 2)
- Understanding Autism
- Autism and Wellbeing across the continuum
Professional Diploma in Inclusive and Special Education (DISE)
The Professional Diploma in Inclusive and Special Education (DISE) has been developed by DCU to support teachers to meet the needs of all learners in an inclusive classroom. This fully online programme provides continuing professional development in a structured and sustained way at convenient times, in an easily accessible manner regardless of location, to support the practical application of skills learned at classroom level. It is a Level 9 programme on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Course Information » DC979
Master of Education in Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia) (MEdSpLD)
Programme Overview
This programme addresses three core areas of knowledge and practice: (i) Understanding the development of language and literacy across the continuum; (ii) Identifying and assessing specific learning difficulties/dyslexia and planning and (iii) managing curriculum based interventions and evidence based practice and support.
The M Ed in SpLD/Dyslexia aims to build capacity in schools in the area of SpLD/Dyslexia and to develop teachers who would be expected to: Select, administer and interpret detailed diagnostic assessments and use appropriate psychometric tools; Effectively identify and use appropriate strategies, interventions and approaches to support learners with dyslexic-type difficulties and also to provide expert advice to parents and professionals in different settings and at all levels.
The programme has dual accreditation - MEd in SpLD/Dyslexia and Associated Membership of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA). With AMBDA and an Assessment Practitioner Certificate, the dyslexia specialist teacher is internationally recognised to undertake assessment and specialist teaching. The two-year part time programme reflects the competences, knowledge and professional skills identified by the International Dyslexia Association and the International Literacy Association.
Year 1: Language, Literacy and Learning; Dyslexia in context; Assessment and Analysis; Supporting learners with SpLD/Dyslexia; Becoming a Reflective Practitioner; Research Methods for Professional Practitioners
Year 2: Assessment of Learners with SpLD/Dyslexia; Integrating Assessment and Practice; In the second year of the programme students complete a Professional Practice Portfolio. They also undertake a research project – ‘Meeting the Needs of All’.
Specialist teaching is an integral part of M Ed SpLD/Dyslexia and this includes a total of 30 hours of evaluated, individual and/or small group teaching throughout the programme.
The MEd SpLD/Dyslexia reflects the competences, knowledge and professional skills identified by the International Dyslexia Association and the International Literacy Association. The programme has dual accreditation - M Ed in SpLD/Dyslexia and Associated Membership of the British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA). With AMBDA and an Assessment Practitioner Certificate, the dyslexia specialist teacher is internationally recognised to undertake assessment and specialist teaching.