School of Inclusive & Special Education

Daithí de Róiste, Lord Mayor of Dublin; Alexis Carey, Dr Sylwia Kazmierczak-Murray and Kathryn O'Mahony from the School of Inclusive and Special Education, and Professor Anne Sinnott, Deputy President of DCU.
DCU President’s Awards for Engagement for 2024
In the staff category, Dr Sylwia Kazmierczak-Murray and Kathryn O'Mahony from the School of Inclusive and Special Education and Alexis Carey, independent researcher, were recognised for their work in removing barriers to participation through developing national guidance for the inclusion of disabled children and young people in decision-making: Their toolkit will influence the participation of disabled children and young people in research and policy in all sectors and disciplines at a national and, potentially, international level, where previously adult voices were used as proxies.