Ellen Dillon is a PhD student at the School of English, Dublin City University. She has a B.A. in French and Italian and an M.A. in Italian from UCD, with a thesis on the poetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini. She is currently working on a project called “Dynamic Abstraction as a Mode of Reading in Modern and Contemporary Poetry.” Her research interests include modernist, modern and contemporary poetry in English and French, with a particular focus on the literary criticism of Charles Altieri, the poetry and translation of Peter Manson and the work of Peter Gizzi. She has presented papers on her work at conferences in Ireland and the UK, and published an article on the work of Peter Manson inPOST: A Review of Poetry Studies and a review of the 'Outside Poetry Festival' at the University of Glasgow in the Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry.
Ellen is a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Eugene McNulty in the School of English at DCU. The focus of her project is a comparative reading of Irish and Caribbean poetry. In particular, her research will examine how four poets – Lorna Goodison, Seamus Heaney, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin and Derek Walcott – treat ideas of the nation and of gender in their work. Ellenholds a Masters in Literature and Modernity from the University of Edinburgh (2015). Her dissertation explored Elizabeth Bishop’s and Derek Walcott’s use of the sea as a space to examine identity. Prior to this, she was awarded a B.A. International in English and French from UCD (2014). She has also studied at Université Paris-Sorbonne as part of the Erasmus programme.
Arthur is a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Michael Hinds in the School of English at D.C.U. The focus of his project contends with the application of Edward Said's theory of 'Late Style' to the works of Bob Dylan. Arthur attained a Masters in Literature of the Americas from Trinity College Dublin (2012/13). With similar focus on the works of Dylan, his dissertation considered certain shared characteristics of these works and the mythical trickster figure Lewis Hyde discussed in his seminal text on the subject. Prior to this, he was awarded his Bachelors Degree in English and Education from D.C.U (2008/12).
Liza Costello is a PhD candidate under the supervision of Dr Kit Fryatt in the School of English at DCU. The focus of her project is the writing of Irish writer Dermot Healy. Her research will explore the pastoral mode, in particular the post-pastoral, in his poetry, novels, memoirs and plays. Liza holds a Masters in Poetry from the Mater Dei Institute/DCU (2016). Her dissertation explored the pastoral tradition in Healy's poetry. Prior to this, she was awarded a BA (II.I) in European Studies from UL (1998) and a BA (I) Open Arts (Literature) from the Open University (2008).
Ailbhe is a Masters Research candidate under the supervision of Dr Michael Hinds and Dr Kit Fryatt in the School of English at DCU. The focus of her research is on John Milton. Specifically, her research will examine how previously unexplored elements of comedy can be found in Paradise Lost through applying modern comedy theory to the epic poem. Samuel Beckett's representations of a darkly comic world are also explored and compared to Milton's Paradise Lost. Ailbhe completed a Bachelor of Religious Education and English from Mater Dei in 2012 and the Graduate Diploma in Special Education from St Patricks College, DCU in 2016. She has just submitted her thesis.
Annette Skade is a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Kit Fryatt in the School of English at DCU. She is researching into allusion and intertext in the poetry of Anne Carson. She has a degree in Ancient Greek and Philosophy from Liverpool University and an MA in Poetry Studies from the Mater Dei Institute / DCU (2012. ) Her article, Hatmaker, on Basil Bunting's Briggflatts appears in POST IV : A Review of Poetry Studies . Skade is a poet whose first collection, Thimblerig was published by Bradshaw Books, Cork in 2013. http://annetteskade.com.
This is a list of graduates of the MA in Poetry Studies, and their dissertation topics. Current students are also listed, along with their projects-in-progress.
- Sharon Allen Performance Poetry and Rape Education
- Amanda Bell An Ecopoetic Reading of Theodore Roethke
- Sarah Branagan Clarke on Patrick Kavanagh
- Leo Breslin is working on T.S.Eliot, Shakespeare and Procrastination
- Jane Clare currently working on Poetry and Pronouns
- Marguerite Colgan is working on a study of Living through Poetry
- Connor Connolly Ovid and Literary Darwinism
- Liza Costello Irish Pastoral and Eco-Criticism
- James Dalton is working on Walt Whitman
- Helen Dempsey The Problem with Wayne Koestenbaum
- Maurice Devitt James Wright Last Poems
- Joe Fitzpatrick on Poetry after the Holocaust and the Challenge of Language
- Brenda Flanagan on Kavanagh and Irish Politics
- Catherine Fogarty Emily Dickinson and “Hope”
- Sean Fox The Poetics of the Logos Hymn
- Kieran Furey A New Translation of Pablo Neruda’s Canto General
- Aisling Geraghty Poetry and Teaching Creativity
- Lizann Gorman Anna Akhmatova and Intercultural Transmission
- Brian Gormley Bob Dylan’s Main Phase
- Joan Hallissey on Paul Durcan
- Luka Hargan Blakes’s Innocence
- Rob Harvey Bruce Springsteen and Autobiography
- Evelyn Keane Philip Larkin and his Influences
- Alan Keenan is working on Fernando Pessoa’s Heteronyms
- Bernie Malone 'Soul Brothers: Style and Spirituality in the Poetry of Leonard Cohen and Patrick Kavanagh'
- Donal Magner is working on Medieval Irish Poetry and Arborescent Poetics
- Maighread Medbh is working on Adrienne Rich, Dylan Thomas and Love
- Anne McCrudden currently working on Seamus Heaney and Familiality
- David McConnell is working on Contemporary Poetry and New Irishness
- Niall Murphy Poetry and Chess
- Kimberley Murray Poetry and Criminality
- Sarah Lavan Sapphically Re-Evaluating Joni Mitchell’s Blue Album
- Lauren Lawler Anne Carson, Louise Gluck and the Persephone Myth
- Catherine McIlduff Barry MacSweeney’s Pearl
- Tara McKay Sounding Clever: Academic Discourse & Poetic Appreciation
- Clair Nolan Sylvia Plath, Victimhood and Jewish Identity
- Susan Nussbaum Translating The Seafarer
- Jessica O’Brien The Metaphysicals and the Moderns
- Cliona O’Connell Ecocriticism: How to Define It and Why You Might Not Want To
- Sean O'Reilly Morrissey and Authenticity
- Emma Ozenbrook Poetry and Insanity
- Antoinette Pierce is working on David Jones’s In Parenthesis
- Lorcan Roddy The Sublime
- Annette Skade Basil Bunting’s Briggflats
- Jan Stokes Elizabeth Bishop’s Sonnet
- Sinead Tierney Sappho: Still on Fire
- Jamie Walsh Philip Larkin and Morrissey
- Siobhan Wilson Seamus Heaney’s North