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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Orla Bourke Receives New Lecturer President's Teaching Award

Orla Bourke Receives New Lecturer President's Teaching Award

Recipients of the DCU President’s Teaching and Learning Awards for 2020 were announced at a virtual event held earlier today. 

Orla Bourke from the School of Communications in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was announced as the winner of the ‘New Lecturer’ category. Brian MacCraith, DCU President, referenced Orla's outstanding commitment to students and her willingness to exceed expectations when delivering her citation:

She makes considerable extra time beyond her teaching hours to prepare content, offer feedback & to develop her own teaching ability.

Congratulations to Orla from colleagues in the School of Communications and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on her New Lecturer President's Teaching Award!

A number of other staff members from across the seven Schools in the Faculty were nominated for the Teaching and Learning Awards - see the complete list of nominees here. You can also rewatch the awards ceremony here.