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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Goretti Daughton Receives Inaugural Staff Recognition Award

Goretti Daughton Receives Inaugural Staff Recognition Award

Twelve members of staff at DCU were honoured at the inaugural DCU Staff Recognition Awards earlier today.

The awards were established to recognise individuals and teams who consistently make outstanding contributions to the university and who, through their actions every day, exemplify its mission and values.

Goretti Daughton, Faculty Manager in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, is one of the awardees. 

When announcing the award during the online ceremony, DCU President Brian McCraith noted:

Gorettiā€™s consistently exceptional contribution and leadership have seen dramatic and ongoing innovation across the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is a genuine problem solver.

On behalf of the Faculty, we are delighted with this richly deserved recognition for Goretti from DCU. 

You can find out more about all the awardees here and watch the online awards ceremony here