DCU and HSS Success in Irish Research Council fund
Dublin City University has welcomed today’s announcement by the Irish Research Council that nine projects led by DCU academics have been awarded grants in the New Foundations scheme. The scheme provides support for research actions, the development of networks and consortia, conference and workshop development, and creative approaches to the communication of scientific concepts and/or complex societal challenges for a lay audience. This year grants were awarded under four strands: Engaging Civic Society; Knowledge Exchange for impact; STEAM; In partnership with the DFAR Networking & Collaboration Grants for prospective North-South Research Partnerships.
The successful DCU projects include three scholars from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences:
Dr. Garrick Allen from the DCU School of Theology, Philosophy and Music: Greek Papyri and the Earliest Copies of the New Testament at the Chester Beatty.
Dr. Niamh Gaynor, Associate Professor in DCU’s School of Law and Government: Engendering local governance: Exploring the potential for political activism among women’s groups and networks in North-East and South-East Kenya
Dr. Caitriona Dowd, Assistant Professor in DCU’s School of Law and Government: Network for Innovative Resilience-Building in South Sudan
Other winning DCU projects include:
Derek Laffan, Research Assistant at the National Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre: Tweets, Posts and Persecution: Online social networking among Palestinians and its influence on Palestinian identity and wellbeing.
Dr. Seline Keating, Assistant Professor in SPHE and Wellbeing in DCU’s Institute of Education and a Research Fellow at the National Anti-Bullying Centre: Exploring the Frixos Sexuality Programme and its relevance to the Irish RSE primary school context.
Dr. Evelyn Gordon, DCU School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health: Building Relational Capacity in Parents and Children in Ballymun
Ashling Bourke, Assistant Professor in the School of Human Development: Knowledge Exchange to build research capacity on childhood adversity and resilience in Ireland
Dr. Ronan McCann, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering: Comparative Study of Laser Powder Bed Fusion and Laser Directed Energy Deposition Using Sustainable Materials
Dr. Sinéad McNally, Assistant Professor in Psychology in the School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education, Institute of Education: Child's play: Investigating the role of play in early childhood educational contexts