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Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Science, Humanities and Design Unite to Address Our Planet Ocean Challenges

Science, Humanities and Design Unite to Address Our "Planet Ocean" Challenges

Planet Ocean: A Creative Connections Interdisciplinary Workshop
Date: Saturday September 21st  starting at 9am
Venue: Senior House, All Hallows Campus DCU, Drumcondra

This September, researchers of the world’s oceans are bringing science, arts, design, and humanities research together for a truly unique event in Dublin. Organised by DCU and NUIG, "Planet Ocean" is a free one-day workshop featuring talks, panel discussions, and a design exhibition. Participants from NGOs and cultural institutions as far afield as Singapore and Germany will share a wide array of experiences and perspectives on our ocean environments and communities. Inviting open discussion between contributors and audience, the workshop aims to better understand how people study, engage with, and learn about the ocean, and so to highlight the importance of the global marine environment.

The guest speaker at the event is Prof. Callum Roberts, chief scientific advisor to BBC’s Blue Planet II. Prof. Roberts will address the importance of history to the future of our oceans. Other topics up for discussion throughout the day include: the impact of global capitalism on the ocean; oceanic myths; and community engagement with the sea. As concern grows about the world’s oceans in the face of climate change, sustainability, education, and outreach will form central questions at the workshop.

Acknowledging the wealth of artistic and creative engagement with oceans, the workshop also features a special exhibition of work by Pamela Heaney, designer-in-residence at DCU’s Water Institute. Heaney’s collection of garments was created in conjunction with scientific research into the seabed and reflects the ocean’s clear, translucent quality and the patterns of crab surface.

In advance of the workshop and to celebrate Culture Night, there will also be a special reading of Arthur Rimbaud’s Le Bateau Ivre (The Drunken Boat) in DCU’s Cregan Library. The poem will be read in multiple languages including English, Dutch, Hindi, as well as the original French. Readers will include award-winning poet Kit Fryatt and Dr Michael Hinds of DCU’s Centre for Poetry Studies.

“Planet Ocean” takes place on Saturday 21 September at DCU All Hallows Campus in Drumcondra. All are welcome to attend and join the discussion. Funded by the Irish Research Council, the event is free but registration is essential (see workshop website www.planetoceanworkshop.com).

Culture Night at Cregan Library takes place from 5pm-9pm on Friday 20 September and no registration is required. The Rimbaud reading is scheduled for 7 p.m.

Further Information

Website:          www.planetoceanworkshop.com
Email:             2019planetocean@gmail.com

Hashtag:          #PlanetOcean2019