DCU Wins Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Funding
Debbie Ging (School of Communications) and Mark Rowantree (Insight Centre for Data Analytics) were successful in the Human Rights and Equality Grant Scheme 2016.
Overall 25 were awarded out of 274, and only 10 out of 144 in their strand.
The aim of the project is to generate a prototype back-end platform for a standard national online tool for equality / inclusivity performance measurement in Irish post-primary / primary schools.
A key attraction of this project is that it is students who are surveyed rather than school administrators reporting on their perception of the impact of inclusive policies and programmes.
The survey aims to determine how included / equal post-primary / primary students feel across a range of variables (ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, social class, physical appearance and (dis)ability) and the extent to which they are experiencing different kinds of bullying.
The project will build on the findings of an existing pilot project conducted by Dr. Debbie Ging (DCU School of Communications + DCU Anti-Bullying Research and Resource Centre) in collaboration with GLEN (Gay and Lesbian Equality Network), which was funded by the Irish Research Council.