Lumen, Lumen, Mater Dei - MDI Celebrating 50
During the 2015/2016 academic year, Mater Dei is celebrating 50 years of making a difference to education and schooling in Ireland. There is much to remember and celebrate on the eve of the Institution's incorporation into Dublin City University. Everything about this gathering resounds with symbolism.... Dec 8th is the feast day of Mater Dei and Dec 8th 2015 marks the closing in 1965 of the Second Vatican Council - an event that considerably influenced the founding of MDI. The choice of venue - the HELIX, which is part of the Glasnevin Campus of the new DCU - signals the context in which the heritage and tradition of MDI will continue after incorporation into the University in 2016. The evening will be one of celebration - music, poetry, drama and of course a number of key speakers who have shaped or been shaped by Mater Dei. Present and former staff, present students and graduates will celebrate the 50 year contribution of the Institute to higher education and schooling in Ireland. The evening will conclude with a reception. Please be seated in the HELIX by 7.15pm.
If you are a former staff member, graduate or present student, do come and join us in our celebrations. To attend this event, register here.