School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies Structural Doctoral Pathway 2024-2025
With 40 years of expertise, state-of-the-art laboratories, and a diverse team supervised by globally-recognised faculty members, the DCU School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies is firmly embedded in the national and international research network. Much of our research involves collaboration with academic institutions, private companies and public bodies. Our structured PhD programmes enable postgraduate students to complement their research with critical skills like communication, commercialization and entrepreneurship. This document details a suggested Structured Doctoral Pathway for graduate researchers in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies. While the main focus for each research candidate is to complete a piece of original research presented in thesis format, students are also supported in developing a range of skills and competencies through taught modules and other learning opportunities.
During the registration, all research students may take a mix of credit-bearing modules (Graduate Training Elements or GTEs), and other non-accredited education opportunities such as workshops, seminars and short courses. These opportunities provide both discipline-specific and transferable skills and knowledge to support students in their research and enhance their research qualification. Engagement in these activities is an important aspect of the graduate research experience.
Students who complete a minimum of 20 GTE credits, in addition to the 270-ECTS thesis, will be recognized as having completed a structured PhD. At least one module should be from the list of discipline-specific modules and one from the list of transferable skills modules. The modules chosen on the structured pathway should be discussed and agreed in the first instance with the supervisor and progress reported on the annual PGR2 form. Students should register for their approved GTE Modules during the online registration process.
The Structured Pathway work plan for each student should be discussed and agreed in the first instance with the Supervisor and progress (including confirmation of completion of the Online Research Integrity Training Module and other modules) recorded on the annual PGR2 form.
Students are encouraged to take advantage of the additional training opportunities offered by the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) and by the School as appropriate. All students are required to attend the orientation and induction sessions organized by GSO during year one. GSO communicates details of their training schedule to each student at the beginning of each semester. First-year students are also required to take the Online Research Integrity Training module during year one of their studies.
Translation Studies Strand
- TRA1009: Translation Technology – 10 ECTS
- TRA1010: Translation Theory – 10 ECTS
- TRA1013: Computerised Terminology – 10 ECTS
- TRA1020: Research Methodologies in Translation Studies – 5 ECTS
- TRA1014: Audio-visual Translation – 5 ECTS
- TRA1017: Translation in Crises – 5 ECTS
- TRA1015: Digital Methods in Language and Discourse – 10 ECTS
Literary or Sexuality Studies Strand
- CUS1022: Gender, Sexuality and Migration – 10 ECTS
- TRA1015: Digital Methods in Language and Discourse - 10 ECTS
Applied Linguistics or Migration Studies Strand
- LIG1016: Core and Emerging Concepts and Research Methodologies in Applied Linguistics – 5 ECTS
- TRA1015: Digital Methods in Language and Discourse – 10 ECTS
- POL1089: Forced Migration and Host Societies – 10 ECTS
- CUS1031: The Refugee Journey: Mobility, Adaptation, Integration – 10 ECTS
- CUS1022: Gender, Sexuality and Migration – 10 ECTS
- EDU1157: Education in Forced Migration Contexts – 10 ECTS
- TRA1017: Translation in Crises – 5 ECTS
Teaching and Learning Skills
- HUM1021: Conference / Academic Event Organisation - 5 ECTS (Year 1)
- BAA1000: Strategies for Academic Writing – 5 ECTS
- HUM1020: Advanced Academic Writing in the Humanities - 5 ECTS
- HUM1023: Navigating the Academic Publishing Landscape- 5 ECTS
- PSK1001: Uaneen Non-Contributing Module - 5 ECTS
- HUM1022: Engaged Research - 10 ECTS
- CUS1019: Research Methods - 5 ECTS
- PHE1034: Research Ethics - 5 ECTS
- ESL1016: English for Academic Purposes - 5 ECTS
- POL1092: Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences - 5 ECTS
- NUR1120: Qualitative Research Summer School - 5 ECTS
- MNA1126: Qualitative Research Methods - 5 ECTS
- Graduate Studies Office Orientation Programme
- Research Integrity Online Training Module (non - accredited)
- Postgraduate Tutor Demonstrating Programme
- Graduate Studies Office training suite
Students are encouraged to take additional training opportunities offered by the School and GSO as appropriate throughout their PhD.
Approval Date