
Winter Flu Vaccine

Getting a Winter Flu vaccine this year could be vital to both help protect the health system cope with any additional strain caused by Covid-19 and also help protect individuals themselves from contracting the flu at time of increased personal risk with COVID-19.

DCU is delighted to announce that for the second year running we will have a scheme in place for the Flu vaccination that will be made available, free of charge. This vaccination will be available to the following categories of staff:    

  • Full-time Staff
  • Reduced hours Staff 
  • Part-time fixed Staff
  • Full-time members of staff in the DCU campus companies 
  • Full-time postgraduate research students.

The free Flu Vaccination will be provided by Pharmhealth, our local Pharmacy, based on the Glasnevin campus.  

For Staff to register for a free flu vaccination, please go to the Pharmhealth website at  url:

The pharmacy will then confirm a time for staff members for appointment by contacting them by phone or email.