Returning to work

Returning to Work After Extended Leave

Are you going back to DCU after maternity leave, sabbatical, leave of absence? Learning and Development can help you with this transition, providing you with an update on the university environment, tips and tricks on how to ease your return, and what supports are available to you. 

Dates: On request


Course Duration:
2 Hours

Target Audience:

Staff returning from extended leave periods such as maternity leave, sabbatical, leave of absence and sick leave.


Aims of this workshop is to enable participants to: 

  • identify the issues around rejoining and re-integrating into the workplace e.g. “all has changed, nothing has changed”
  • re-orientate into their role and consider if their role has changed; there are different expectations of them and how the

       immediate work environment has changed
  • meet with other colleagues who have similar experiences.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • develop their own strategies for successful reintegration into their positions
  • use the supports available to them to manage the reintegration into their positions
  • consider the changes that have taken place in the university as a whole and in their own school/department in particular

       and what these mean for them


Course Fee:  Nil

To apply for this course, email