DCU Research Career Framework

 HR Excellence in Research

Performance Review and Development (PRD) Scheme


The Performance Review and Development Scheme (PRD) aims to meet the development needs of research

colleagues, improve performance, enhance quality and promote a culture of continuous improvement. All research staff will complete an annual performance review meeting once they have successfully completed the probationary process. 

The performance review meeting will take place annually.

Key Principles

The following are the principles that underpin the scheme:

  • Development of staff to their full potential
  • Self review-self assessment - provide an opportunity for the staff member to self review and self assess their performance in advance of the meeting
  • Objective driven - staff member and principal investigator jointly set and review objectives
  • Two-way feedback - feedback given by both the reviewer and reviewee
  • Integrated development at three levels – university, departmental and individual levels.


Benefits of the Scheme

Some of the key benefits include: 

  • Improved communication between colleagues at all levels
  • Improved overall performance of colleagues, aligned with the goals of the research centre and University
  • Increased focus on the short-term and longer-term career development of colleagues
  • Improved planning at a local and wider level


Who will conduct the review

The review will be conducted by the Principal Investigator or by his/her nominee. The Reviewer will be a key member of the school or research centre who is in a position to adequately review the staff member’s work. A reviewer should not conduct more than 8 reviews annually.

Planning the Process

A meeting should take place between the Executive Dean and Head of School/Research Centre and

Principal Investigator to:

  • Allocate appropriate 'reviewers' to 'reviewees'
  • Set broad parameters around objective setting to establish consistency and fairness
  • Agree the priorities and challenges facing the research centre for the forthcoming year in order to set context for objective setting

Full details on DCU's PRD process