DCU Learning at Work Week

Click here to go to DCU Learning at Work Week 2023. 

Thanks to all of our colleagues who participated in LAWW, over 250 people tuned into our bitesize learning sessions, and over 1500 views of our video tips.

If you didn't get a chance to join any of the sessions you can access them below. 

Learning and Organisational Development Bitesize Virtual Sessions

This 30 minute session will explain how you can structure and prioritise your development alongside a busy work schedule.  

Play recording of session here

This bitesize session will help you to pause and reframe how you view work and life. Do you focus on outputs? Or outcomes? 

Play recording of session here 

Thinking of becoming a mentor?  This masterclass will help you get off on the right foot. 

Play recording of session here 

This session will help you to understand the mindset and motivation required to bring innovation into your day to day role. 

Play recording of session here

Change is an ever constant in our world, find out how to embrace it and be more open to change. 

Play recording of session here

Video Tips

Focus on Me Video Tip

This Video Tip highlights the importance of taking a few minutes out every day or week to focus on yourself and your goals.

Growth Mindset Video Tip

What kind of mindset do you have? Watch this Video Tip to find out how to nurture a growth mindset to encourage continuous learning and development.

NET (No Extra Time) Video Tip

Watch this video tip to find out how you can integrate learning into your natural flow of work to ensure that you're learning at no extra time!