Graduate Studies Team

GSO Mission

The mission of the Graduate Studies Office is to support excellence in the provision of postgraduate research education in DCU by providing leadership and working in collaboration with the staff, the research student community and external partners, supporting the University’s strategic ambitions. 


GSO Vision

The Graduate Studies Office vision is to provide critical strategic leadership, academic governance and process improvement to enable Graduate Researchers to thrive intellectually and professionally, achieving academic excellence and enhancing their student experience.


The GSO’s three principal areas of responsibility include: 

  • Leading the development of all aspects of DCU’s postgraduate research education
  • Acting as champion for the needs of DCU’s postgraduate student community
  • Driving the development of DCU’s postgraduate policy and planning 


The GSO engages in a diverse range of activities under these areas of responsibility, such as: 

  • Policy development and implementation for best practice in graduate research 
  • Orientation and Induction programme for new research students
  • Annual calendar of skills development events, seminars and workshops 
  • Tell It Straight Research Communications Competition
  • Research Integrity Training Programme for research students
  • Scholarship and industry internship programmes 
  • Internal and external collaborative projects, funding proposals and consortium activities at national, European and international level