2023 IRC Government of Ireland postgraduate scheme
The 2023 Irish Research Council Government of Ireland (GOI) scheme is currently open with a closing date for applications (to be submitted via the online system) of 4pm Irish time on Thursday 20th October 2022. For the first time in this scheme, only a Supervisor reference is needed - no Referees or Referee submissions are asked for. While this facilitates a more straightforward application process, there is a greater importance that a strong Supervisor reference is submitted.
Applicants whose Primary Supervisor needs to be added to the online application system - who registered during the registration grace period or who would like to verify their date of first registration at DCU should email scholarships.graduatestudies@dcu.ie
The name of a Secondary Supervisor can also be included by an applicant but this Secondary Supervisor does not need to be registered by DCU in advance. This Secondary Supervisor can also contribute to the Supervisor form.
Supporting documentation for staff is available on the GSO's Staff Resources page.
Call documentation: For applicants
General Application Feedback - IRC's own feedback document from previous schemes to assist applicants
Applicant guide to the online application system
Current FAQs: 13th October 2022 - to submit a FAQ through GSO email scholarships.graduatestudies@dcu.ie
IRC's feedback documents from previous schemes:
Call documentation: For Supervisors
TORA submission deadline - Thursday 6th October 2022 Tora details for Supervisor
- Deadline for FAQs -Thursday 13th October 2022 (4pm Irish time) - send to scholarships.graduatestudies@dcu.ie
- Deadline for applications -Thursday 20th October 2022 (4pm Irish time)
- Deadline for supervisor forms -Thursday 27th October 2022 (4pm Irish time)
- Deadline for research office endorsement -Thursday 3rd November 2022 (4pm Irish time).
Results are expected to be announced at the end of March 2023. Official start date is 1st September 2023.
Note the following important information:
- GENDER SHOULD NOT BE IDENTIFIED in your application form; any form submitted on your behalf (ie. supervisor form); or on any supplementary materials you decide to upload eg. bibliography. As such, applications must be anonymous and free from pronouns or other words which would identify the applicant’s identity and gender eg. applicants should use ‘the applicant’.
- GANTT charts are not compulsory and applicants can submit their application without including one.
- The name of the Primary Supervisor you use in the eligibility quiz and the online application must be exactly the same.
- Primary Supervisors cannot create or submit their reference form until after the applicant has submitted their application.
- Applications are accepted in any discipline from new entrants and continuing research students.
- For supporting information on the call email scholarhips.graduatestudies@dcu.ie
Strategic funding partners
Applicants can only apply under one 'theme' ie. under the main GOI call or under a Strategic Funding Partner (SFP). Those who apply under a SFP will also have their application considered for a GOI award. Strategic Funding Partner awards:
Environmental Protection Agency (anticipated up to 7 awards) - read Appendix 1 of Call Document
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth - Childhood Disadvantage in Ireland (up to 4 scholarships) - read Appendix 2 of Call Document
Met Éireann Scholarships (up to 3 scholarships) - read Appendix 3 of the Call Document
Andrew Grene Postgraduate Scholarship in Conflict Resolution - read Appendix 4 of the Call Document
Advice for applicants (from IRC Call Document)
- Pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of research or those introducing creative, innovative approaches are welcomed
- Proposals of an interdisciplinary nature are also encouraged as it is recognised that advancing fundamental understanding is achieved by integrating information, techniques, tools and perspectives from two or more disciplines
- Appendix 6 of the Call Document includes Guidance on the Sex/Gender Dimension Statement
- Applicants are assessed under 4 headings - Appendix 7 Call Document -and should familiarise themselves fully with this evaluation criteria before applying:
- Applicant (40%)
- Project (40%)
- Traning and Career Development (10%)
- Environment (10%)
What the scholarship offers:
Awardees receive an annual package of up to €27,500 per annum comprising of:
- A scholarship stipend of €18,500 per annum
- Fee contribution of €5,505 (STEM) or €4905 (AHSS) per annum - depending on the HEI
- Research expenses of €3,250 per annum
Academic Supervisors
Applicants can add one Secondary Supervisor to their applications. In the event of joint academic supervision, the applicant must choose one to be the Primary Supervisor (the Secondary Supervisor's involvement can be included in the application in the 'Proposed Research' section).
The IRC will not enter into written or telephone correspondence with individual applicants. In the first instance, applicants should email the Graduate Studies Office at scholarships.graduatestudies@dcu.ie for information and clarification on the call.
Applications are only accepted via the online system.
All GOI scholarships are to commence on 1st September 2023. Non-EU applicants must satisfy DCU's english language entrance requirements: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/english.shtml
To confirm:
Applicants to the GOI scheme will have a Primary Supervisor (and can add one Secondary Supervisor). The Secondary Supervisor does not need to be registered on the Smartsimple system. There are no Referees in the 2023 call.