Administrative Grounds
Administrative Grounds for refusing access to records:
The administrative grounds under which Freedom of Information requests can be refused are provided under section 15 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and are as follows:
a) The record does not exist / cannot be found
b) The request is too vague
c) The request is voluminous (i.e. processing the request would substantially and unreasonably interfere with or disrupt the work of your unit)
d) The record is already in the public domain
e) DCU is required by law to publish the record within 12 weeks
f) DCU intends by choice to publish the record within 6 weeks
g) The request is frivolous or vexatious
h) The submitter has not paid fees accrued in previous requests
i) The record has already been released to the submitter, or the submitter is acting in concert with other submitters