Nic Giolla Mhichíl

Academic biography
Dr. Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, leads out on a number of strategic initiatives on behalf of DCU and was appointed into her role as DCU's Director of Micro-Credential Strategy and Innovation. She heads up DCU Studio in the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, an innovation and development unit centred on supporting the university in reaching its objectives in the area of teaching and learning. Dr. Nic Giolla Mhichíl is collaborating in national, European and international micro-credential policy development, digitalisation and academic initiatives. Dr. Nic Giolla Mhichíl is co-founder of the Micro-Credential observatory which curates global micro-credential research and developments and she is a member of NODL in DCU. Mairéad is the ECIU University Micro-Credential Lead and she is on the Steering Committee of the national Micro Creds initiative www.microcreds.ie. Mairéad is co-editor in chief of the International Journal of Educational technology in Higher Education (ETHE). Mairéad was a Fulbright Scholar with the University of Notre Dame in the USA and is an Associate Professor of Information Technology in DCU. Mairéad has held leadership roles within her School, Faculty and University serving as the Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, Programme Chairperson and Chairperson to a number of University Working Groups. Mairéad holds degrees from University of Durham in the United Kingdom and Dublin City University. Mairéad has spent time working for national and international organisations in financial, computing and consulting positions including extensive involvement in tech start-ups. Mairéad is involved in a number of European research projects as both PI and researcher. Her research interests are interdisciplinary and include technology in teaching and learning; policy implementation and organisational change in higher education.
Ceapadh An Dr. Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, sa ról mar Stiúrthóir ar Mhicrea-chrediúintí, ag Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath agus tá sí i bhfeighil ar thionscadail nuálaíochta san oideachais thar cheann na hOllscoile. Is Ceann Aonaid í ar DCU Studio, aonad nualáiochta don bhfoghlaim agus don theagasc in DCU. Is ball í de choiste Stiúrthóireachta MicroCreds.ie agus tá sí i bhfeighil ar mhicrea-chreidiúintí don ECIU Alliance fosta.
Is iar-scoláire Fulbright le hOllscoil Notre Dame i SAM agus Ollamh Comhlach le teicneolaíocht na faisnéise in DCU. Tá taithí fairsing aici