An Dr Emer
Ní Bhrádaigh
Primary Department
Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge
Ollamh Cúnta

Email Address
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number
Academic biography
PhD in Entrepreneurship, TCD; Grad Dip in Statistics, TCD; MBS (Hons) International Marketing, UCD; BA (Hons) Irish & German, UCD; Fellow of National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship. Principal Investigator (with Peter Tiernan) of Accelerating Campus Entrepreneurship post-graduate entrepreneurship education module (funded by HEA); Principal Investigator (with Úna Redmond) of Erasmus+ Strategy for Change social innovation project (led by Glasgow Caledonian University). Leader of Ashoka Changemaker Campus network membership. Academic chair of ISBE 2012 conference; member of ICSB 2014 (Dublin) Scientific Committe; current Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences nominee to DCU Quality Promotion Committee; founding mentor of DCU Enactus social entrepreneurship society (5 times national winners since 2012).Research interests include Gaeltacht entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. PhD supervision enquiries welcome.
Chair of Irish Social Finance Centre. Board member of Clann Credo Social Finance Investment Fund. Earlier career in financial software industry, arts sector and university fundraising and development.
Spéis ar leith i dtaighde ar fhiontraíocht Ghaeltachta agus ar fhiontraíocht shóisialta in earnáil dheonach na Gaeilge. Taithí na mblianta ag léachtóireacht trí mheán na Gaeilge in Fiontar DCU, agus anois in Fiontar agus Scoil na Gaeilge, ar fhiontraíocht, ceannaireacht, margaíocht, soch-theangeolaíocht &rl. Spéis ar leith i bhforbairt na Gaeltachta. Fáilte roimh mhic léinn ar mian leo tabhairt faoi thaighde PhD sna réimsí sin.
Research interests
Entrepreneurship, especially in minority groups, including minority language groups, and Gaeltacht; Social entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship education; Social entrepreneurship. Enquiries welcome from students interested in undertaking Masters / PhD research in any of these topics.Cuirtear fáilte roimh fhiosruithe ó mhic léinn ar spéis leo taighde a dhéanamh ar aon cheann de na hábhair thuasluaite, forbairt na Gaeltachta agus an fhiontraíocht shóisialta in earnáil dheonach na Gaeilge ach go háirithe.