Fees - Withdrawal/Repeat Partial/Occasional Students | Finance
Withdrawing from the University- Excludes Springboard/Skillsnet Students.
Each year, for various reasons, some students do not complete their programme of study. Sometimes students accept a place at University and then change their minds and decide to take a year out and work or travel.
If you do decide to withdraw at the start of or during the year, you should first discuss with Student Support & Development, it is simply not enough to just talk to your course Supervisor.
There are structures in place to support students who may be withdrawing due to personal difficulties and may not see any other option. There may, however, be many options open to you.
You may need advice and guidance on what to do next or the impact that withdrawing will have on your fees now and in the future (see fee implications below).
In order to officially withdraw from DCU you must complete the R-27 under "Change to Registration" on Registry Forms Webpage. Deadlines for Withdrawals and the fee liability associated with those deadlines are outlined below.
1. Students who withdraw before 31st October will have no fee liability. A refund will be made to those who paid fees at time of registration and withdraw up to 31st October.
2. Students who withdraw before 31st January - Liable to pay 50% of the Student Contribution Fee in addition 50% HEA tuition fee will be claimed.
3. Students who withdraw on or after 1st February - Liable to pay 100% Student Contribution Fee in addition 100% HEA tuition fee will be claimed.
Students who officially withdraw/defer before the 31st of October will have no fee liability. A refund will be made to those who paid fees at the time of registration and withdraw up to the 31st of October.
Students who officially withdraw/defer up to 31st January inclusive are liable for payment of 60% of the total course fee.
Students who officially withdraw/postpone examinations on or after 1st February are liable for payment of the full tuition fee.
Semester 1:
Students who withdraw/defer during semester 1 are liable for 60% of the total fee due.
Semester 2:
Students who withdraw/postpone examinations during semester 2 are liable for 100% of the total fee due
NOTE: Students who are refused a SUSI grant/Third Party Funding are fully liable to pay these fees.
Student accounts with outstanding fees at the end of the academic session will be referred to a third party collection agency.
Medical Fee Waiver:
The following fees apply to students who are deferring/repeating on medical grounds and returning to the same programme the following year.
1. Students who defer a full academic year on medical grounds will be required to pay the full Student Contribution Fee upon returning to the University.
2. Students who defer a semester on medical grounds will be required to pay half of the Student Contribution Fee.
3. Students repeating a semester on medical grounds will be asked to pay €55 per credit plus the relevant Student Levy. If they wish to appeal these repeat fees, they should fill out the relevant medical fee waiver form.
Upon returning to the College, students will be asked to provide a letter from their Consultant stating that they are fit to return to study. No other form of documentation will be accepted for an application for a waiver on medical grounds. Each case will be examined individually by student support services. Please ensure you complete the medical fee waiver form link below https://www.dcu.ie/students/remission-fees-scheme-financial-assistance-…
Repeat/Deferred Student Fees:
Students wishing to repeat an entire year of study, or attend selected subjects or modules that they have previously deferred or failed should only pay the following amounts:
Repeat and attend Module:
EUR55.00 per ECTS credit plus EUR170 LEVY CHARGE (all part time programmes)
EUR55.00 per ECTS credit plus EUR277 LEVY CHARGE (all Full time programmes)