Solid State Electric & Semiconductor Devices
Course Code: | EEN1049 |
Mode of Delivery: | Blended |
Cost: | €824 |
Subsidised Cost: | €165 |
Duration: | 12 weeks |
Next Intake: | September 2024 |
NFQ Level: | 8 |
ECTS Credit Points: | 7.5 |
Please Note: Applicants may not apply to take more than 30 credits of micro-credentials.
Solid State Electric & Semiconductor Devices
The operation of modern semiconductor devices is underpinned by a good knowledge of the physics of solid-state materials and electronics. This micro-credential is motivated by the need to link physical models with modern device operation. The micro-credential uses basic quantum mechanical physical principles to explain the properties of materials of interest in electronic engineering practice. A knowledge of the bonding between atoms is essential to understand the behaviour of solids and their electronic properties, which distinguish conductors from semiconductors and insulators. These impact on the electronic properties of materials, which in turn control the operation of electronic devices currently used and under development. Building on this foundation of solid-state physics the module introduces the student to the basic parameters which control the behaviour of electronic devices, such as diodes, bipolar transistors, MOSFETs and lasers. The phenomena which occur in non-idealized devices are studied and the behaviour of real devices is examined in the light of these phenomena.
Upon successful completion of this micro-credential students will be able to:
- Differentiate between simple cubic, face centred cubic and body centred cubic crystaline structures.
- Describe electrical conduction in metals using the Drude model.
- Apply the Schrodinger wave equation (SWE) to explain quantum mechanical phenomena such as tunnelling.
- Describe the behaviour of electrons in a potential well and extend this knowledge to the motion of electrons in a periodic structure.
- Differentiate between insulators, semiconductors and metals utilising concepts such as bandstructure, Fermi-Dirac statistics, effective mass etc.
- Calculate the position of the extrinsic Fermi Level in doped semiconductors.
- Explain Schottky, Ohmic and Neutral contacts; design such junctions and calculate the depletion region widths.
- Explain and calculate the I-V characteristics of pn junctions, including the calculation of diffusion and drift contributions to currents, and transient charge storage phenomena.
- Explain the operation of bipolar junction transistors (BJT) using the Ebers-Moll model.
- Describe MOSFET I-V and switching characteristics.
- Explain the basic operation of a solar cell device.
- Explain the basic operation of the laser.
- Explain how real devices are fabricated, including critical semiconductor wafer processing steps.
A Primary Honours degree, Level 8 in Electronic/Electrical/Computer Engineering, Applied Physics, Computer Sciences or other Cognate/Engineering Disciplines. Applications are also invited from diverse educational and/or employment backgrounds, with applications evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
And also to indicate the required documentation:
- Please provide Academic Transcripts for final year of study where appropriate (English translation)
- All applicants must submit a copy of their passport
There is no availability for a deferred entry onto a micro-credential.
If applicable, evidence of competence in the English language as per DCU entry requirements. Please see here.
For further information regarding the HCI learner subsidy eligibility criteria please click here. (https://hea.ie/skills-engagement/hci-pillar-3-micro-credentials-learner-fee-subsidy/).
For information on how to apply for this micro-credential, please visit our Application Guide
Closing date for applications: 30th August 2024