Qualcomm Scholarship 2024

Qualcomm Student Scholarship 2024

The Faculty of Engineering and Computing at Dublin City University (DCU) is thrilled to announce the recipients of the prestigious 2024 Qualcomm Research Scholarship, Om Vasanth Shetty and Anthony McNally, both second-year students in the BEng in Electronic and Computer Engineering program.

QT Technologies Ireland Ltd. (Qualcomm Ireland) a subsidiary of the esteemed US company, has generously partnered with DCU to offer this distinguished scholarship and is financially contributing towards it, showcasing their unwavering commitment to fostering a diverse pool of engineering talent and supporting the next generation of innovators. Qualcomm is widely recognised for its groundbreaking work on semiconductors, software, and wireless technology services, holding patents integral to 4G and 5G mobile communications. With approximately 500 engineers based in Ireland, Qualcomm Ireland is known for its inclusive staff base and its long-standing support of Irish universities in cultivating and nurturing the future leaders in the engineering field.

The Qualcomm Research Scholarship provides the selected students with an exceptional opportunity to work in a state-of-the-art research lab for a 10-week period during the summer, with a paid 32-hour week, enabling them to gain invaluable experience that will undoubtedly enhance their career prospects. The recipients, Om Vasanth Shetty and Anthony McNally, were chosen due to their exceptional promise, unwavering commitment, and outstanding talent in the field of engineering.

Research in engineering is of paramount importance, as it drives innovation, enhances efficiency, and leads to the development of new technologies that address complex societal challenges. Qualcomm Technologies International Ltd. and Qualcomm Ireland’s generous support of this scholarship exemplifies their dedication to fostering a diverse and talented pool of engineers, who will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry and addressing the pressing issues facing our world. The Faculty of Engineering and Computing at DCU is deeply grateful for the continued collaboration and looks forward to witnessing the remarkable achievements of the 2024 Qualcomm Research Scholarship recipients.

The scholarship plays a crucial role in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing STEM Initiative, which is a special achievement programme backed by the university. Congratulations to our new scholars, Om Vasanth Shetty and Anthony McNally.