DCU & German Delegation

DCU Faculty of Engineering & Computing Welcomes Senior German Hydrogen Delegation

Last week, Dr James Carton and the Faculty of Engineering & Computing hosted a senior German delegation of 25 from the federal state of Lower Saxony, which was organised on foot of contact made by the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce with Dr Carton. The delegation included the Vice Minster of the State of Lower Saxony, as well as members of German industry engaged with renewable energy, mobility, logistics and hydrogen. In this context, the Vice Minister expressed an interest in seeing the work that Irish universities are doing to support Ireland's domestic renewables sector. More specifically, the group particularly wanted to learn more about the work and research regarding hydrogen that Dr Carton and his team at DCU are involved with.

The delegation was presented by an opening address delivered by Prof. Nicholas Dunne, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Computing. This was followed by short presentations from Prof. Fiona Regan, Director, DCU Water Institute, Prof. Mark Roantree, DCU Insight SFI Centre for Data Analytics, Prof. Marina Efthymiou, Aviation Management, DCU Business School & Dr Lorna Fitzsimons, DCU Centre for Decarbonisation, Sustainability & Innovation (DeSI). Summing up the presentations Dr James Carton, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering presented his teaching and his team’s research in relation to renewable energy policy and green hydrogen development in Ireland, connecting the previous talks and showing the expert, cross-faculty, cross-university and national elements that DCU do in the sustainable energy space.

The Vice President of Research John Doyle was kind enough to meet with the group during the networking lunch portion of the visit, as well as Prof. Paul Young, Head of School, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering.

The event was a major success, with discussions already starting regarding student INTRA exchanges with industry companies and an invitation to Dr Carton by the German Chamber, to visit energy facilities and present to German industry and policy-makers in Germany this September.