Delegation from Wuhan University (WHU) visit the DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing

The Faculty of Engineering and Computing at DCU were delighted to welcome back a distinguished delegation from Wuhan University (WHU) to discuss the Joint Masters in Electronic Engineering.

The delegation of attendees from the WHU Electronic Information School included Prof Li Deshi, Head of School, Prof Chen Yang, Vice Head of School, Huang Gongping, Vice Director of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, and Wang Cun, Director of the Administrative Office. The delegation was welcomed to DCU formally by Dr Jennifer Bruton (Executive Dean of the DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing), Dr Brendan Hayes (Assistant Professor, DCU School of Electronic Engineering), Dr Xiaojun Wang (Associate Professor, DCU School of Electronic Engineering), Dr Sobia Jangsher (Assistant Professor, DCU School of Electronic Engineering), Irene McEvoy (Senior Administrative Officer, DCU School of Electronic Engineering), and Mary O’Halloran Proffitt (International & Industry Engagement Manager, Faculty of Engineering and Computing).

The Faculty of Engineering and Computing at DCU is looking forward to welcoming students onto the DCU-Wuhan partnership programme in September. The students will spend the first year in Wuhan and travel to Dublin for the academic year 2024/45. The Faculty is also delighted to support a PhD Scholarship to a student who will be jointly supervised by academic staff from DCU and Wuhan University. This will further strengthen the ties between the two institutions and is the first step to extending the partnership into the area of academic research.