DCU and the GAA seek PhD candidate for revolutionary Hurley and Sliotar project
Dublin City University and the GAA are searching for a fully-funded PhD candidate to work on a project that could help define the future of Hurling in Ireland.
The GAA Hurley & Sliotar Regulation Work Group is currently working with the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Dublin City University (DCU) on a project which provides for integration of research around Hurley and Sliotar performance.
The aim of this project is to develop new characterisation systems for both the Hurley and Sliotar. This will include a mechanical system, a robotic arm, for testing how the Hurley and Sliotar interact with each other, which will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanical properties in the pair’s relationship.
The robotic system for imparting a Hurley to Sliotar impact, to measure how the stick strikes the ball, will be developed to match the human body. There will also be a simultaneous measurement of the Coefficient of Restitution for the Sliotar - that is to quantify how the Sliotar performs/travels when struck with a consistent level of force. The mechanical testing of Hurleys will be examined to ensure that the manufacture of Hurleys themselves is regulated in a manner where safety is a key desired outcome.
As well as this, the PhD research will also facilitate the development of Hurley specifications, and pave the way for the development of Hurley standards across the board.
Performance characteristics apart, this research will facilitate the development of Hurley specifications and pave the way for the development of Hurley standards. Another aim of the project is to help futureproof Hurleys themselves, with Ash Dieback Disease posing an existential threat to the supply of Ash, the traditional material for crafting Hurleys. Alternative materials will be investigated as part of the project.
Prof Dermot Brabazon, Full Professor of Materials Science and Engineering in the School of Mechanical Engineering at DCU, said:
“The ability to apply metallic and mechatronic engineering to help ensure high quality within the hurley and sliotar is the focus for this project. This is an excellent project opportunity for an engineer to work on with us in DCU and the GAA to advance quality assurance for the game.”
Despite being one of the oldest field sports in the world, Pat Daly GAA Director of Organisational Culture, Planning & Development explains why the organisation is keen to keep innovating;
“Conscious of the ever-evolving nature of change, and the requirement for good regulatory control, the GAA has responded by introducing a SMART Sliotar so that official match balls can be authenticated through the use of a mobile phone app.
"Building on this momentum, and the threat posed by Ash Dieback Disease, it is engaging in a PhD Study with a view to ensuring that this challenge is addressed in the most effective manner possible.
"The development of an 'Automated Hurley & Sliotar Interaction Testing System' is a key element of this and an integral element of ensuring that ongoing change is addressed in the most evidential and scientific manner possible.”
For those interested in working on this PhD project over the coming years, please send your CV and cover letter to the following email address: joan.kelly@dcu.ie