Engineering and Computing Fair 2017

Teaching Heroes Recognised at National Awards Event

We are delighted to announce that Dr Noel Murphy from the School of Electronic Engineering and Dr Anne Morrissey from the School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering at DCU have been announced as recipients of a national Teaching Hero Award!

The Teaching Hero Awards are Ireland’s only national, student-led awards for all those who teach in higher education. They are organised by the National Forum in collaboration with the Union of Students in Ireland and other students’ unions nationwide. These awards provide an opportunity for students across the country to recognise and celebrate outstanding teaching in our higher education institutions. Teaching Heroes are nominated by individual students, who submit a short personal piece (a maximum of 150 words) that explains why the person is their ‘Teaching Hero’. Based on student nominations, all Teaching Heroes identified receive national recognition. Over 6,500 students have submitted nominations for theses awards.

Congratulations to our new Teaching Heroes, Dr Noel Murphy and Dr Anne Morrisey, for having such a positive impact on the learning experiences of their students. We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to the students who took the time to submit nominations for these awards.

You can catch what students, nationwide,  have to say about their appreciation for the heroes via YouTube.