DCU announces a range of Springboard+ courses
Dublin City University is now inviting applications for a suite of courses under the Springboard+ 2020 and Human Capital Initiative announced last week by the Department of Education and Skills.
Overall, 17,000 new places are to be made available to people seeking to upskill or reskill with courses in a wide range of skills areas, including artificial intelligence,sustainable energy and cybersecurity on offer.
Springboard + is managed by the Higher Education Authority on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills. It began in 2011 as part of the Government’s Jobs Initiative.
It complements the core State-funded education and training system and provides free and heavily subsidised upskilling and reskilling higher education opportunities in areas of identified skills need. Springboard+ courses are at Level 6 (Certificate) to Level 9 (Masters) on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and are delivered by public and private higher education providers around the country.
Of the 17,000 places announced, 11,074 are on 332 courses under Springboard+ 2020 and 5,891 places are on 93 courses over three years under the Human Capital Initiative (HCI) Pillar 1.
The Human Capital Initiative (HCI) was announced as part of Budget 2019 to provide additional capacity across the Higher Education Sector to meet priority skill needs for enterprise. The HCI consists of 3 main pillars – graduate conversion and specialisation courses, additional places on undergraduate provision, and an innovation and agility fund. HCI Pillar 1 courses will be delivered in all of the universities, 10 institutes of technology, and nine privately-run colleges.
The majority of courses approved under Springboard+ 2020 commence in autumn 2020, however there are a number of courses that start later in 2020 and in early 2021.
Full details on Springboard+ courses, the eligibility criteria and how to apply can be found on the website: www.springboardcourses.ie.
A helpline to provide advice to potential applicants is also now open.
DCU is inviting applicants from prospective students for the following courses.
- Graduate Certificate in Artificial Intelligence
- Graduate Certificate in the Internet of Things
- Graduate Diploma in Web Technologies
- Higher Diploma in Engineering Analysis and Technologies
- Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy Systems
- Graduate Certificate in Clean Technology
- Graduate Certificate in European Law and Policy
- Graduate Certificate in Information Systems Strategy
- Graduate Certificate in Management for Sustainable Development
- Graduate Certificate in Management of Internet Enterprise Systems
- Graduate Certificate in Management of Operations
- Graduate Certificate in Public Policy
- Higher Diploma in Interaction Design
- Higher Diploma in Management of Information Technology
- Certificate in Computer Programming
- Certificate in User Experience
"Springboard+ is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF programme for employability, inclusion and learning 2014-2020."