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Faculty of Engineering and Computing

Industry Advisory Board

DCU Letters at Collins Avenue
FEC Industry Advisory Board

The Faculty of Engineering and Computing Industry Advisory Board (or FEC IAB) has been created by the Executive Dean to provide guidance, by external industry leaders, towards the Faculty’s teaching, research and engagement with students. This will ensure that Faculty activities are informed by best practice and remain relevant to staff, students and society. 

The IAB will serve to embed the voice of industry partners in all aspects of the student learning experience and will provide direction for the implementation of strategic initiatives, advise on industry collaborations for curriculum development, and review the impact of enterprise engagements in line with the university's strategic objectives. 

Reporting to the Executive Dean or her nominee, the IAB is solely advisory. It does not have decision making or executive powers.

The IAB will meet three times per academic year.

Industry Advisory Board
IAB Members


IAB members include:

  • Dr Jennifer Bruton, Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Computing, DCU
  • Dr Andrew McCarren, Head of School, School of Computing, DCU
  • Dr Noel Murphy, Head of School, School of Electronic Engineering, DCU
  • Dr Paul Young, Head of School, School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, DCU
  • Mary O'Halloran Proffitt, International & Industry Engagement Manager, Faculty of Engineering & Computing, DCU
  • Fergus Whelan, Group Engineering Director, Malone Group
  • Elaine Hanley, Talent & Engagement Leader UKI Security C&D, IBM
  • Michael Langan, Intel Movidius VPU IP Lead, Intel Corporation
  • John Malone, CEO, Provident CRM
  • Sinéad McCluskey, Managing Partner, Balmain Medical
  • Oliver McKenna, NED, MyComplianceOffice (MCO)
  • Marc Mullan, VP Data & Analytics, DAA
  • Niall O’Connell, Executive Director of Engineering, Openet
  • Sonia Ramirez, Senior Manager, Design to Value, Stryker
  • Alessandra Sala, Senior Director (AI & Data Science), Shutterstock
  • Siobhán Toale, Chief People & Information Officer, Eirgrid
Stokes Building
IAB Responsibilities

Responsibilities include:

  • Provide external perspectives on current and emerging trends and skills needs in the workplace to support planning and development across our undergraduate, postgraduate and professional education offerings
  • Advise on, and contribute to, the enhancement of a culture of collaboration between FEC and strategic external stakeholders, including relationship management and curriculum and assessment reform
  • Provide advice on the skills, attributes and competencies required of graduates and on the appropriateness of educational programmes provided by FEC
  • Assist in identifying and advising on collaborations, research, and funding opportunities in line with FEC’s overarching strategic objectives
  • Advocate for a culture of collaboration within your respective organisations and networks to enhance the Faculty’s profile and reputation 
  • Act as a sounding board for strategic proposals that FEC is considering


Additionally, IAB members may be asked to participate in one or more of the following activities:


  • Participating on curriculum review panels which provide advice on specific programmes developed in response to a strategic initiative
  • Serving on a task force or working party to examine a specific issue
  • Contributing to the development of events such as symposia, fora, conferences, alumni networking and professional development events
  • Direct engagement with DCU’s student body (either in the classroom or other fora).
  • QA Review Group Member
DCU Letters
IAB Members Area

IAB 2023/24 Board Members can access all relevant information below.

Click here

First IAB Meeting