Staff Centre Members

Professor Paul Downes
The Centre Director is Professor Paul Downes
The Centre has a number of Thematic Coordinators:
Dr Marie Flynn - Postgraduate Thesis and Social Inclusion in Education
My work for the Educational Disadvantage Centre at DCU Institute of Education has focussed on the areas on social inclusion and equality, with particular emphasis on identities and the education system. I have supervised postgraduate students at the Centre on areas such as: Traveller parental involvement in schooling; Roma education in Dublin; and the career aspirations of children attending DEIS schools. I have presented on social inclusion in initial teacher education to the Council of Europe (Education Department) on behalf of the Centre, and work closely with the Centre on postgraduate student intake and the award of fellowships (e.g most recently on the award of fellowships for teachers in Dublin North East inner city to undertake masters in poverty and social inclusion). I am committed to continuing work in the Centre across thesis supervision, representation at various national and international fora and in relation to student intake and interviews.
Dr Jones Irwin - Critical Theory and Community Development
Jones Irwin's teaching and research focus combines an emphasis on the symbiosis of theory and practice, or what Paulo Freire refers to as 'praxis'. This praxis dimension has been developed in his research work on Contemporary Philosophy of Education (especially books and papers on Critical Pedagogy and Leftist education) and his practical curriculum development (as seconded to NCCA, 2015-2019) on pluralism in Community National primary schools. The Goodness Me Goodness You multi-belief and values curriculum in 29 CNS schools was developed with the inspiration of Freire's axiology of 'Ethics-Aesthetics-Spirit' and evolved into a four strand approach combining arts and values education alongside multi-belief and philosophical pedagogies.
Professor Anne Lodge - Applying Equality and Social Justice
Professor Anne Lodge's publications on equality and social justice in education include Equality and power in schools: Redistribution, recognition and representation (Lynch & Lodge 2004) and Diversity at school (Lodge & Lynch 2004). She has supervised postgraduate theses for the Educational Disadvantage Centre in areas including nurture rooms, Reconfiguration of Power in an Infant Classroom Setting and pupils experiences of DEIS schools . Her research interests pertain to equality and social justice, including gender, social and emotional education and power distribution in schools and society.
Dr Una McCabe - Arts and Social Inclusion in Education
Una McCabe is the Head of the School of Arts Education and Movement in DCU. She has lectured in drama education since 1998 and since then has advocated for drama and the arts as central to the improvement of children's educational experiences and outcomes. Her research and publications include extensive studies in the use of drama pedagogy in developing children’s play skills. Una has led a range of arts interventions which have taken place in areas of educational disadvantage across Dublin. She is principal investigator and co-founder of the SHAPE (Social Health, Arts, and Personal Education) project, which aims to develop wellbeing, self-expression and lifelong learning in the arts. She is a member of the Arts and Social Inclusion in Education National Working Group.
Dr Jane O’Kelly - Lifelong Learning
Jane O'Kelly is an Assistant Professor in the School of Policy and Practice. She is Chair of the BSc in Education and Training and has research interests in the areas of teacher professional identity in FET, social justice, learner voice, and neurodiversity in adults. She sits on the Board of Dublin Northside Partnership and contributes to the oversight of services including employment, health, social enterprise and the Community Lifelong Learning Hubs in North East Dublin. She supports researchers exploring the impact of Bordieu's Capitals on persistent inequality and her research goals include contributing to equity in education in terms of access, support, retention and progression for all across the lifelong learning continuum.
The Centre has the following Thematic Ambassadors
Seána Brady - Nature and Social Inclusion in Schools and Communities
April Cronin - Promoting Chess in DEIS Schools
Sinead Crossan - Children’s Voices and Active Citizenship
Orla Doyle - Children’s Voices and Spaces in their Locality
Michael Kennedy - Sport and Social Inclusion in Education and Communities
Megan Wynne - Bereavement and Loss Supports in Schools
In addition, members of the Centre include the following staff members of the Institute of Education:
Early Childhood (Psychology)
Education (Drama)
Education and Human Development (Psychology)
- Professor Paul Downes
- Dr Hugh Gash
- Dr Maeve Dupont
Education and Human Development (Sociology)
Education (STEM)
Educational Needs of Children in Care
Guidance Counselling
Language Literacy & Early Childhood Education
Policy and Practice
Transformational Leadership
Professor Paul Downes is Professor of Education (Psychology) and Director of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, Dublin City University, Ireland. He has been involved in various expert advisory roles for the European Commission, including for its School Policy Working Groups and was a member of the Irish Senate and Parliament Expert Advisory Group on early school leaving. A Visiting Research Fellow at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (2017) and University of Cambridge, Lauterpacht Centre (2011), he is currently a member of the Coordinating Committee of the European Commission’s Network of Experts on the Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET II) and Chairperson of the Steering Committee for the Grangegorman Area-based Childhood (ABC) Programme, funded by Irish Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA). With over 75 publications of books/research monographs, research articles in international peer reviewed ranked journals and book chapters in areas of education, psychology, philosophy, law, anthropology and social policy, Dr. Downes has given keynote lectures and invited presentations in over 25 countries. His contribution to international policy and practice includes invitations from 10 different countries’ official ministries (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden) to present his research on various aspects of wellbeing, mental health, poverty and social inclusion in education, as well as from the EU Parliament Working Group on Quality of Childhood, EU Parliament Intergroup on Children’s Rights, European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC), UNICEF, Cedefop, CNESCO (Conseil national d’évaluation du système scolaire) & CIEP Sorbonne Universities Paris, International School of Analytical Psychology, Zurich, Latvian Human Rights Committee and President’s Foundation of Malta. He is an invited member of the Standing Review Board (2015-19), Humanities and Social Sciences Panel of the Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee, Hong Kong, China, and has been an invited EU Commission FP7 Evaluator and Rapporteur to chair evaluation meetings for funding proposals for the EU Commission’s Horizon 2020 research programme. Designer of Familiscope, Ballyfermot child and family support service, he has led the establishment of two national research/policy networks on Quality Development of Out of School Services (QDOSS) and Hunger Prevention in School, as well as a 12 country comparative research study on access to education in Europe. He has been an advisor to the Irish Department of Education and Skills (DES) for its DEIS Action Plan 2017 on social inclusion, to the DCYA and DES for the National School Age Childcare Action Plan 2017 and is a member of the DCYA Working Group on Standards for School Age Childcare .
- Thematic Expert Advisor to EU URBACT initiative, PREVENT project, led by European Minds (Sweden) and Nantes municipality, France, a 10 city project on parental involvement in education and early school leaving prevention across cities in France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Sweden, Estonia, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Czech Republic (2012-2015). The project includes policy development of local action plans for parental involvement and early school leaving prevention across each municipality.
- Invited Member of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), Network of Experts on Social Aspects of Education and Training (NESET) (2011-2014). This Network, composed of 55 individuals across Europe, provides guidance and advice to the European Commission through replies to Commission queries; analytical reports for policy-makers; professional development seminars for Commission staff; support for Commission symposia; mapping expertise and other support. The Network engages with the needs of policy-makers to translate complex research findings into concrete policy proposals at local, national and European levels.
- Expert Evaluator for the Programme Council for Fundamental Scientific Education Research (PROO), The Netherlands (2014)
-UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Hamburg: Invited Peer-Reviewer (2012)
- Invited Expert Evaluator for European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Directorate B, European Research Area (2012) regarding 6 million euro fund for research on education.
- Advisor to University of Malta for the establishment of its access initiative for underrepresented groups in higher education, including for the establishment of its Cottonera community based outreach centre (2011-2013).
- Associated Expert, The European Institute of Education and Social Policy, Paris (2013-14)
-Invited participant, European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture (EAC) and Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (SANCO) Expert Workshop on the role of mental health and social and emotional learning (SEL) in promoting educational attainment and preventing early school leaving, Luxembourg, October 2012.
- Member of the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) Post-Graduate Government of Ireland Scholarship Renewals Committee (2010-2012)
- Invited Member of Expert Advisory Group on Lifelong Learning in Europe (2010), European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Place Madou 1, Brussels.
- Invited Member of Expert Advisory Group on Social Inequalities in Europe (January 2010), European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Square De Meeus 8, Brussels.
- Member of Expert Advisory Group to Oireachtas (Irish Parliament and Senate) Joint Committee on Education and Science for their study (2009-2010), School and Out-Of-School Factors Protecting Against Early School Leaving.
- Advisor to National Economic and Social Forum for its report Child Literacy and Social Inclusion (2009)
- Member of Expert Advisory Group to Archways and Atlantic Philanthropies National Quantitative Evaluation of Incredible Years Programme (2007-2011)
- Member of Board of Directors of Tolka Local Area Partnership Ltd. (2009-2014): The College Representative for St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.
- International Member of Research and Policy Advisory Board to Nederlands Centrum Onderwijs en Jeugdzorg / NCOJ in Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Netherlands Centre on Education and Youth Care (2013-14)
- Member of the Board of the European Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health, University of Malta (2013-14)
- Member of Board of Directors of the Ana Liffey Drug Project, Dublin (2002-2014)
- Designer, Founding Member and Member of Board of Directors of Familiscope Community Psychological Early Intervention Service, Ballyfermot, Dublin (2006-2013)
- Chairperson of Quality Development of Out of Schools Service (QDOSS) network association (2007) and Founding Member (2006-2014)
International Peer-Reviewed Journals: Reviewer
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of School Violence
Member of Editorial Board, Interpersona: International Journal on Personal Relationships
Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Emotional Education
Book Reviews Main Editor, International Journal of Emotional Education
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Prison Education and Reentry
Downes, P. (2017) 'Reconceptualising foundational assumptions of resilience: A cross-cultural, spatial systems domain of relevance for agency and phenomenology in resilience'. International Journal of Emotional Education, 9 (1)
Early School Leaving
Cefai, C., Downes, P. & Cavioni, V. (2015). Breaking the Cycle: A phenomenological approach to broadening access to post-secondary and tertiary education. European Journal of Psychology of Education
Kazmierczak-Murray, S. & Downes P. (2015). Classroom Sound Field Amplification Systems for Language Development During Early School Years In Contexts Of Socio-Economic Exclusion: The Neglected Role Of Classroom Contextual Dimensions International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 7, 24-50
Downes, P. (2015). Developing a framework of system change between diametric and concentric spaces for early school leaving prevention. Educational Philosophy and Theory
Downes, P. (2014). Prevention of early school leaving through teacher education: Some European perspectives. In P-M. Rabinsteiner & G. Rabinsteiner, Eds., Internationalization in Teacher Education (pp.17-31). Schneider Verlag: Hohengehren, Germany
PREVENT’s core structural indicators across different system levels – including municipality level and individual project level Dr. Paul Downes, Thematic expert. Ulf Hägglund, Lead expert
Downes, P. (2013). Developing a framework and agenda for students’ voices in the school system across Europe: From diametric to concentric relational spaces for early school leaving prevention. European Journal of Education , 48 (2), Special Edition on Early School Leavers and Social Disadvantage.
Edwards, A. & Downes, P. (2013). Alliances for Inclusion: Developing Cross-sector Synergies and Inter-Professional Collaboration in and around Education. Commissioned Research Report for EU Commission NESET (Network of Experts on Social Aspects of Education and Training). Foreword to report by Jan Truszczynski, Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture.
Downes, P. (2011). The neglected shadow: European perspectives on emotional supports for early school leaving prevention, The International Journal of Emotional Education, Volume 3, Number 2, 3-36
Ivers, J. & Downes, P. A phenomenological reinterpretation of Horner's fear of success in terms of social class. European Journal of Psychology of Education. Volume 27, Number 3 (2012) 369-388
Downes, P. (2008) Educational Disadvantage: Next steps for new government? In Touch. Issue 91 January /February 2008 Pages 41-43
Downes. P & A-L Gilligan (Eds.) (2007). Beyond Educational Disadvantage Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Downes, P and A. L. Gilligan (2007) Some Conclusions in Beyond Educational Disadvantage (eds., Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan) Dublin: IPA
Downes, T and Downes, P. (2007) Pedagogy of the Processed in Beyond Educational Disadvantage (eds. Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan) Dublin: IPA
Downes, P. (2007) Why SMART Outcomes 'Aint Always so Smart... in Beyond Educational Disadvantage (eds. Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan) Dublin : IPA
Downes, P., Maunsell, C. and Ivers, J. (2007) The Jolt Between Primary and Post-Primary in Beyond Educational Disadvantage (eds.) Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan) Dublin : IPA
Downes, P & Maunsell, C. (2007). Count Us In. Tackling Early School Leaving in South West Inner City Dublin: An integrated response. Commissioned report for the South West Inner City Community Development Association (SICCDA) with the support of funding by the South Inner City Local Drugs Task Force.
Downes, P., Maunsell, C & Ivers, J.(2006). A holistic approach to early school leaving and school retention in Blanchardstown: Current issues and future steps for services and schools. Commissioned Research Report for Blanchardstown Area Partnership, Dublin.
Downes, P. (2004.) Voices from Children: St. Raphael's Primary School, Ballyfermot Commissioned Research Report for URBAN, Ballyfermot, in conjunction with the Educational Disadvantage Centre (2004) Download as pdf file
Downes, P. (2003). The Estonian and Latvian Integration Programmes: A Recipe for Significant Early School Dropping-out amongst their Russian-speaking Minorities. In Finlay, J. & Debicki, M. (Eds.) Delivering Public Services in CEE Countries: Trends and Developments. The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee)
Downes, P. & Cefai, C. (2019). Strategic Clarity on Different Prevention Levels of School Bullying and Violence: Rethinking Peer Defenders and Selected Prevention. Journal of School Violence, 18 (4) 510-521
Mental Health
Key Emerging Features of a Mental Health Focus for Early School Leaving Prevention –
illustrations from Ireland, NESET Expert author Dr. Paul Downes
Downes, P (2012) The Primordial Dance: Diametric and Concentric Spaces in the Unconscious World (Oxford/Bern: Peter Lang 2012)
Downes, P (2009). Prevention of bullying at a systemic level in schools: Movement from cognitive and spatial narratives of diametric opposition to concentric relation. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer, & D. L. Espelage (Eds). The Handbook of Bullying in Schools: An International Perspective. New York: Routledge
Downes, P., Zule-Lapimaa, A., Ivanchenko, L. & Blumberg, S. (2008) Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States. Living for Tomorrow NGO: Tallinn
Book Chapters in Not One Victim More: Human Trafficking in the Baltic States:
Downes, P. Introduction pp 8-14
Downes, P. The International right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health: A Key Legal Framework for Human Trafficking? pp 278-289
Downes, P., Ivanchenko, L., Zalcmane, S., Smelt, H, & Blumberg, S. Conclusion: Key Indicators Regarding Prevention, Protection and Prosecution in Relation to Human Trafficking in the Baltic States pp 290-298
Downes, P. (2008). Mental Health strategy for deprived children
missing from education plan. Action on Poverty Today. Summer 2008 issue
Ryan, C & Downes, P. (2007) Future Steps for NEPS? in Beyond Educational Disadvantage (eds.) Paul Downes and Ann Louise Gilligan) Dublin: IPA
Downes, P. (2004). Psychological support services for Ballyfermot: Present and future. Commissioned Research Report for European Union funded organisation, URBAN, Ballyfermot, in conjunction with Ballyfermot Drugs Task Force Download as pdf file
Downes, P. (2003). The New Curriculum of Social, Personal and Health Education in Irish Primary Schools: Self-Awareness, Introversion and the Role of the Teacher Kwartalnik Padagogiczny (Journal of Education, Poland), no. 4. Vol. 190
Downes. P. (2002). Interim evaluation report on 'Oasis Counselling Service Ballyfermot' for URBAN, Ballyfermot (2002)
Social and Emotional Education
Gilligan, C. & Downes, P. (2021). Reconfiguring Relational Space: A Qualitative Study of the Benefits of Caring for Hens for the Socio-Emotional Development of 5 – 9-year-old Children in an Urban Junior School context of High Socio-Economic Exclusion. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 21 DOI: 10.1080/14729679.2021.1894953
Lifelong Learning
Downes, P. (2011). A Systems Level Focus on Access to Education for Traditionally Marginalised Groups: Comparing Policy and Practice in Twelve European Countries. Comparative Report for the EU Commission on behalf of the Research Consortium for the EU Framework Six Project ‘Towards a lifelong learning society: The contribution of the education system’.
Carrigan, J & Downes, P. (with Byrne, I.), (2010). Is there more than what’s the score? Exploring needs and skills checking for literacy as part of a holistic initial assessment process in a lifelong learning society. Funded by Irish Department of Education and Skills. Dublin: Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.
Maunsell, C., Downes, P & McLoughlin, V.(2008). National Report on Lifelong Learning in Ireland. LLL2010: Sub-project 1: Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe - the Contribution of the Education System. Educational Disadvantage Centre. Dublin.
Downes, P., Maunsell, C., McLoughlin, V & Taljunaite,M. (2006). Lifelong learning in Ireland and Lithuania: Some examples of Irish policy and practice for Lithuania to consider? Filosofija.Sociologija (ed. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences), No.4 pp.29-36
Drug Prevention and Early School Leaving
Downes, P. (2007). Intravenous Drug Use and HIV in Estonia: Socio-Economic Indicators Regarding the Right to Health for Its Russian-Speaking Population Liverpool Law Review, Special Issue on Historical and Contemporary Legal. Issues on HIV/AIDS, Vol.2. pp. 271-317
Downes, P. (2005). Failures of social policy: Heroin, HIV and social marginalization among the Russian-speaking minorities in Estonia and Latvia (2005) Socialna Pedagogika (Slovenia), Vol. 9, No.3, 449-468.
Website version (October 2003), European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), Annual Report 2003, The state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European Union: Country Profiles, Estonia and Latvia
Downes, P. & Maunsell, C. (2003). EMCDDA Expert Survey on family-based prevention, community-based prevention and indicated prevention (early interventions). Survey Coordinator for Ireland for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
Downes, P. & Murray, S. (2002). Evaluation of the The Ana Liffey Drug Project Children's Project. Commissioned Research Report. Dublin: Ana Liffey Drugs Project. Download as pdf file
Downes, P. (2011). Concentric and diametric structures in yin/yang and the mandala symbol: A new wave of Eastern frames for psychology. Psychology and Developing Societies, Vol. 23 (1) 121-153.
Downes, P. (2004) (Ed.) Submission of the Educational Disadvantage Centre, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra to the Educational Disadvantage Committee to assist the development of a Traveller Education Strategy. Download as pdf file
Gender and Equality
Downes, P. (2004). School promoted beauty contests in Poland and Estonia: A risk factor for anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and contrary to the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women (2004) Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny (Journal of Education, Poland), no. 3, Vol.193, 125-143
Out of School Services
Ivers, J., McLoughlin, V. and Downes, P. (2010). Current Steps and Future Horizons for CASPr: Review of CASPr North-East Inner City After Schools Project. North Inner City Dublin: Community After Schools Project (CASPR).
Downes, P. (2006). ‘A New Network: QDOSS (Quality Development of Out of School Services) QDOSS is calling for a national strategy on Out of School Services – a strategy that is sensitive to the needs of local contexts’. ChildLinks , Issue 3, ‘School Age Programmes’ pp.2-7. Dublin: Barnardos’ National Children’s Resource Centre.
'QDOSS' (Quality Development of Out of School Services): Agenda for development 2006' - Compiled by Dr. Paul Downes on behalf of the QDOSS Network.
- Keynote Presentation, A Holistic Differentiated Response for Wellbeing and Mental Health, Resilience and Agency across Europe: Addressing Covid Pandemic Lockdown Impact on Education at a European Commission Meeting, on April 23rd 2021.
- Keynote Presentation, A systemic focus in VET (Vocational Education and Training) on emotions and agency for inclusion at the EU Commission’s Cedefop Webinar, Making Excellence Inclusive on February 3rd 2021.
- For the June 30th UN FRESH Webinar, Dr Downes was a panelist on the theme of Life Skills, Social & Emotional Learning and 21st Century Skills: We Know the Why, the What is clearer, the How needs some work, with panellists including Ramya Vivekanandan, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and Professor Bryony Hoskins, University of Roehampton, London. LINK TO PRESENTATION HERE
Global Citizenship Foundation Webinar
- Paul Downes was an invited panelist for The Global Citizenship Foundation’s webinars:
- Keynote presentation, From ELET Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems as Concentric Relational Space: Future Steps for a Holistic, Differentiated Systemic Vision Across Europe for the 27th - 29th November 2019 Early School Leaving Unit, Directorate for Research Lifelong Learning and Employability (27/29th November 2019) and Ministry for Education and Employment, Verdala Palace, Malta, November 19th 2019
-- Keynote Presentation, Key issues for inclusive systems to prevent school violence: A European perspective from NESET reports at the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Experts Workshop, Measures and Practices to reduce violence among minors, October 17th 2019
- Presentation, Beyond resilience to inclusive systems for prevention of early school leaving in Europe: A spatial-relational approach, in Finland, September 2019
- Opening Keynote Presentation, Developing a Holistic, Differentiated, Systemic Framework for Social and Emotional Education at the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC), Summer School on Social and Emotional Education, Croatia in June 2019
- Keynote presentation, A multidimensional approach to preventing early school leaving and reintegrating NEET youth: Outreach and multiprofessional teams for area wide strategic cooperation, at the Sustainable and Coherent Strategies - From School To Work Conference, Baltic Sea Region Flagship, School2Work, Gdansk June 11, 2019
- Presentation, Structural indicators for good practice as part of a
holistic and systemic approach for prevention of early leaving in VET at the Role of VET in Reducing Early Leaving from Education and Training. Session 4: Monitoring and evaluation of policies, Cedefop Workshop, June 4 2014
- Invited presentation, Community Lifelong Learning Centres as a gateway to multidisciplinary support teams, at the Cedefop-LLL platform Policy Forum: What role for community lifelong learning centres? The potential of one-stop shop for preventing youth at risk from disconnecting, Romanian EU Presidency Event, Brussels, May 29, 2019.
- Keynote presentation, From Early School Leaving Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems of Concentric Spatial Relations of Assumed Connection in Cyprus, January 2019
- Invited presentation at the University of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, Public Forum on November 8th 2018; his presentation, entitled Reducing early school leaving: The role of Universities can be accessed HERE
- Presentation at the Austria Ministry of Education and Science Conference in Vienna on October 1st 2018. His presentation, entitled The Neglected Shadow of Emotions and Mental Health Supports for Engaging the Needs of all Students, can be accessed here
- Keynote conference presentation at the Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw’ s International Conference, Supporting the Wellbeing of Children And Youth – Interdisciplinary perspective in Warsaw, 13th – 15th September 2018. His presentation entitled Beyond interagency working to developing multidisciplinary teams in and around schools: Key issues for system development can be accessed here
- Opening Keynote presentation at the EMPAQT International Conference, ‘Policies and Practices for the Prevention of Early School Leaving’ at Maltepe University, Istanbul on May 3rd 2018. His presentation, entitled From Early School Leaving Prevention to Promoting Inclusive Systems of Concentric Spatial Relations of Assumed Connection can be accessed here.
- Keynote conference presentation at the international conference ‘Empowering eTwinning Schools- Leading, learning, sharing’ in Rome on May 15th2018. Hosted by the Italian eTwinning National Support Service (NSS), the Conference was organised in collaboration with the European Commission, the eTwinning Central Support Service (CSS), EACEA, and the Italian National Agency Erasmus+/INDIRE at the Centro Congressi Trevi, Rome. His presentation, entitled Developing a whole school approach for promoting inclusive systems in and around schools: Some issues for eTwinning can be accessed here.
- Opening Keynote presentation at the three day international conference, Reducing Early School Leaving in the EU: A Comparative Qualitative and Quantitative Research, at the University of Antwerp, January 22nd 2018. The title of his presentation was, Conceptual Foundations of Early School Leaving: From the Tangled Web of Diametric Space to Inclusive Systems as Concentric Relational Spaces.
- Keynote presentation to the Conférence Decomparaisons Internationales Lutte Contre Le Décrochage Scolaire, Paris, 9th and 10th November 2017. Presentation entitled ‘Early school leaving: taking a holistic, differentiated and systemic international perspective on the issue’ Access video of Dr Downes' presentation here
- At Cedefop’s international conference, Policy Learning Forum: VET (Vocational Education and Training) as a solution to leaving education early (Thessaloniki, May 16-17, 2017), Paul Downes gave an invited presentation, Self-reflection tool for policy makers based on structural indicators to identify the strengths and weaknesses of policies put in place. ACCESS THE PRESENTATION HERE ACCESS CEDEFOP TOOLKITS HERE
- Invited presentation in the University of British Columbia, Vancouver on April 18th 2017 ACCESS THE PRESENTATION HERE
- Keynote presentation at the Directorate General of Education of the Portuguese Ministry of Education & European Commission Working Group on Schools International Meeting TEIP 2017 “Continuity and Transitions in Learner Development” in February 2017. His presentation was entitled, Addressing Continuity and Transitions in a Holistic, Multidimensional Way: Overcoming System Mismatch, Blockages in Communication and Fragmentation ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Workshop on Structural Indicators for Inclusive Systems in and around Schools to Directors-General for Schools from Education Ministries across all EU member states at the European Commission and Slovak EU Presidency Meeting of Directors-General for Schools on December 13-14th, 2016. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Opening Keynote presentation, Developing inclusive systems in and around schools for early school leaving prevention: The importance of emotions and relationships, at the Serbian Education Ministry, UNICEF and Centre for Education Policy Conference, Combating early school leaving in Serbia through effective dropout prevention and intervention measures at the school level, November 28th/29th 2016, Belgrade, Serbia. ACCESS THE PRESENTATION HERE
- Keynote presentation for the meeting of the new ET2020 Working Group on Schools, European Commission, Directorate-General, Education and Culture, Rue Joseph II, Brussels. The ET2020 Working Group on Schools is focused on issues of school governance and quality on September 15th 2016. It is composed of senior education ministry officials from all EU Member States, supported by EU Commission officials. The meeting was opened by Sophie Beernaerts, Head of the School and Educators Unit of the European Commission. Dr Downes' presentation was entitled, Developing a School System Governance Framework to Promote Quality for Transitions: Key Issues to Consider for a Differentiated, Holistic Strategy for Transitions. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Invited presentation, Integrating Student Services for Inclusive Systems to Support Learning, Health & Development: A Proposed Policy Direction in the Global White Paper, by skype, at a session of a meeting, The Integration of Health and Social Programs within Education Systems: Extending the Global Dialogue into Latin America and Middle Resource Countries, Curitiba, Brazil, May 22-25, 2016. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Keynote presentation, Future horizons for parental involvement and family support in and around schools in Europe: An agenda for system reform at the European Parents' Association Conference, School as the Training Ground for Active Citizenship for Parents and Children. The conference took place on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th April 2016 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
Monday 25th January 2016 in the Great Room Auditorium, RSA House
Speaker: Professor Andy Hargreaves
Panelist: Fiona Collins, Principal, St Francis CBS
-Keynote presentation, The neglected shadow: European perspectives on emotional support for early school leaving prevention. Symposium on Early School Leaving, Austrian Ministry for Education, Ene, mene, muh, und raus bist du …Pädagogische, soziale und strukturelle Dimensionen von Bildungsbenachteiligung und Schulabbruch, January 19, 2015, Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Austria.
-Invited presentation, Access to Education In Europe: A framework and agenda for system change, EUCIS-LLL (European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning)
Seminar – Launch of the flagship initiative on ‘Inclusive Education. Fighting inequalities in education and training’. 10th December, 2014, University Foundation, Rue d’Egmont 11, Brussels. Panel discussion in response to my presentation: MEP Brando Benifei, Gina Ebner, Secretary General of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), Thomas Huddleston, Programme Director Migration and Integration, Migration Policy Group, Giuseppina Tucci, Board member of OBESSU.
-Invited presentation, Priority Issues for Early School Leaving Prevention for ET2020 Working Group on Schools Policy, European Commission Directorate General, Education and Culture, Experts’ Workshop on Early School Leaving, Rue Joseph 11, Brussels, 5thDecember 2014
-Invited presentation, Nine Challenges to Promoting Equity, Social Cohesion and Active Citizenship. Introductory overview for Workshop 5, Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship, European Commission Directorate General, Education and Culture, European Education and Youth Forum for "Future Priorities of the ET2020 Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training and Synergies with Youth Policy”, October 9-10, 2014 SQUARE, rue Mont des Arts, Brussels.
-Invited presentation, Structural indicators for good practice as part of a holistic and systemic approach for prevention of early leaving in VET (Vocational Education and Training) at the Cedefop (the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Workshop, The Role of VET in Reducing Early Leaving from Education and Training, Session: Monitoring and evaluation of policies, at Cedefop, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 4, 2014. The other presenter at this session was Anna Rubin, OECD.
- Keynote presentation, Towards a differentiated, holistic and systemic approach to engaging socio-economically excluded groups at the Unga In (Youth Integration) National Conference at Fryshuset, Stockholm, May 27, 2014. The conference was organised byUnga In through the Swedish Employment Ministry. Other speakers included Elisabeth Svantesson, Swedish Minister for Employment, Erik Ullenhag, Swedish Minister for Integration, Clas Olsson, Deputy General Director, Swedish Public Employment Service and Milad Mohammadi, lawyer and political scientist.
-Keynote presentation, Developing inclusive systems across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention. Working Group on the Quality of Childhood at the European Parliament (QoC), 48th Session (Established 2006), September 9, 2014. Discussion in response to my presentation, Chaired by Michiel Matthes, Secretary-General of the Alliance for Childhood European Network Group.
- Keynote presentation, Towards a holistic, integrated approach to motivation in working with socio-economically excluded groups, Unga In (Youth Integration) Staff National Conference, Clarion Hotel Stockholm, May 26, 2014.
-Joint presentation with Professor Anne Edwards (Director of Research, Department of Education, University of Oxford) to over 30 European Commission officials from Directorate General, Education and Culture, Cross-sector policy synergies and inter-professional collaboration in and around schools: Examples and evidence. May 28, 2013, Brussels.
- Invited Presentation, Key issues regarding early school leaving prevention for the EU2020 headline target, Estonian Civic Forum, Tallinn National Library, March 6, 2013. Invitation funded by Tallinn Foreign Ministry, Estonia.
-Invited Presentation, Developing multi-agency and cross-sector synergies in and around education, 5th meeting of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture (EAC), Thematic Working Group on Early School Leaving, Brussels, 28-29 January 2013
- Keynote opening presentation, A holistic approach to early school leaving prevention in Europe: Key strategic priorities for system level development. European Network of Education Councils (EUNEC) conference on Early School Leaving, in conjunction with the European Commission and the Lithuanian Government (Ministry of Education and Science) in the context of its EU Presidency. Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas), Vilnius, November 18, 2013.
- Keynote presentation, Giving early school leavers fresh opportunities: Prevention and second chance measures, European Commission, European Social Fund (ESF) Conference,Tackling Youth Unemployment in Europe: Building a Better Future for Young People. The Conference was organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Lithuanian Republic, in conjunction with the European Commission’s Directorate General, Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, in the context of its EU Presidency. Vilnius,November 14, 2013.
-Invited presentation, The prevention and reduction of social exclusion through public policies: Opportunities and obstacles for systemic change through incentivisation.European Commission Directorate-General, Education and Culture, Workshop: Lifelong learning and adult education: New needs for research and policy development. Place Madou, Brussels, September 27, 2012.
- Chair, Workshop 4, Working together for equity: Different policy fields, one objective.Measures to combat educational disadvantage: A European Consultation Symposium, December 8-9, 2011. European Commission, Directorate-General, Education and Culture, Brussels, Belgium.
- Invited expert speaker, European perspectives on systems change to promote access to education. Seminar, Promoting resilience in education: Increasing access to post-secondary and tertiary education in Malta. University of Malta, November 9, 2011
- Invited expert speaker to conduct seminar, Structural and process indicators for assessing national and regional authorities’ contribution to access to education for traditionally marginalised groups, May 17, 2011, European Commission, Place Madou, Brussels. My seminar was attended by Directorate-General, Education and Culture, Commission policy officers in a range of areas including school education and Comenius, higher education, social inequalities, lifelong learning, vocational education and training, and statistics.
- Invited expert speaker, Workshop, Inclusive, supportive and motivating learning environments for all and how to prevent Early School Leaving. European Commission Conference, Comenius Regio Partnerships – Creating European Networks of Regions. Bordeaux, May 11-12, 2011.
- Invited speaker, Social Exclusion, Ethnicity and HIV in Estonia: A Case for a Visit from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health ? at the University College London, Seminar, 'Health and welfare in the Nordic and Baltic States', 26th November 2010.
- Invited speaker,‘It’s the heart, stupid’. Emerging priority issues for prevention of early school leaving: A solution-focused approach. The Belgian EU Presidency Conference, Breaking the cycle of disadvantage – Social inclusion in and through education, September 28 and 29 2010, University of Ghent, Belgium. The other two speakers at the workshop on early school leaving were: Adam Pokorny, Head of the Unit on School Education and Comenius, European Commission, Directorate-General, Education and Culture, and Fred Voncken, Director for Early School Leaving in the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands. The Workshop was chaired by Jean Gordon, Director of the European Institute of Education and Social Policy, Paris.
- Invited Presentation as Member of Expert Group on Social Inequalities in Europe (January 18, 2010), A Systems Level Focus on Overcoming Social Inequality through Education and Community Development: Early Intervention and Access. European Commission, Directorate General for Research, Square De Meeus 8, Brussels, Belgium.
- Keynote Presentation at the EPIC - Empowering People in Care – Webinar on February 16th 2021. The presentation is entitled The Holistic Educational Needs of Children and Young People in Care: Placing an Invisible Issue on the National Policy Agenda.
- Keynote speaker at the Suspensions and Exclusions in Primary School; Developing an Action Plan seminar for the Dún Dealgan School Completion Programme, and Louth Children & Young People’s Services Committee on November 24th 2020. Download the file here:
Suspensions and Expulsions: Key Issues to Address this System Failure in Ireland
- Presentation January 29th 2018, School Completion Programme Strategy before Structures: What is the Strategic Vision for SCP can be accessed HERE
Professor Erna Nairz-Wirth, Education Sciences Group, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Educational Disadvantage Centre, 20th September 2017
Dr. Irene Psifidou, Expert Learning and employability, CEDEFOP
Educational Disadvantage Centre, DCU, 20th September 2017
Dr. Irene Psifidou, Expert Learning and employability, CEDEFOP
Educational Disadvantage Centre, DCU, 20th September 2017
Dr Paul Downes, Director, Educational Disadvantage Centre, DCU
Dr Siobhán O’Reilly, Executive Director, Familibase, Ballyfermot
Fiona Kearney, Familibase Services and Programme Coordinator, Ballyfermot
Educational Disadvantage Centre, DCU, 20th September 2017
- Invited presentation entitled Key strategic and motivational considerations for working with socio-economically excluded groups to the national team of Business in the Community Ireland on June 20th 2017. ACCESS THE PRESENTATION HERE
- Invited presentation on the new DEIS Action Plan for Social Inclusion in Schools, to the INTO Districts 14 & 15 for North Dublin, at the Regency Hotel on March 8th 2017. His presentation was entitled New DEIS Strategy: Strengths, weaknesses, issues for further consideration. ACCESS THE PRESENTATION HERE
- Invited presentation, Socio-economic discrimination in schools: International and Irish issues, to the INTO Equality Committee in the INTO offices, Parnell Square on January 27th, 2017. ACCESS THE PRESENTATION HERE
- Keynote presentation, Poverty and Social Inclusion in Education in Ireland: What can Volunteers do to Help ? at the St. Vincent de Paul East Region Seminar, "Education: The Way Out of Poverty: What Conferences Can Do to Help“, Clonliffe College on November 5th 2016. Access the presentation here
- Invited presentation, ‘School Based Afterschool Services: Key Issues for the InterDepartmental Group to Consider’ to a range of officials from the Irish Department of Education and Skills and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs on July 18th 2016 . This InterDepartmental Group is Chaired by Bernie McNally, Assistant Secretary General, Early Years, Education, Youth, Participation and Research Division, Dept. of Children and Youth Affairs. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Invited presentation, 'Youthwork in a System of Care: Key Challenges for Youthwork in Responding to Poverty and Social Inclusion' at a Symposium on Child and Youth Poverty: The Irish Context and Youth Work's Response organised by Youth Work Ireland and the DCYA Quality Standards Training and Resources Task Group. The Symposium took place at the Youth Work Ireland National Office, Lower Dominick Street, Dublin on December 3rd 2015
The other invited speakers were Maria Corbett, Legal and Policy Director & Deputy Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance and Seamus Boland, CEO Irish Rural Link. ACCESS DR DOWNES' PRESENTATION HERE
Fiona is the Principal of an inner city school in Dublin. Her interest in empowering young people began with the establishment of one of the first student councils in an Irish primary school. Under her leadership, her school was elected as an Ashoka Changemaker School-part of the first cohort of Changemaker Schools in Ireland. With her dedicated team of teachers and parents, Fiona is committed in exploring ways to promote educational participation, social inclusion and responsive citizenship. Addressing the inequalities faced by young people in marginalised communities lead Fiona to develop an ’empathy based methodology’ programme in her school. This programme has proven to be very successful in enhancing school readiness and building resilience amongst children in primary school.
- Invited presentation to teachers and principals from DEIS schools in the Teachers Club, Parnell Square as part of the INTO consultation process for their submission to the DEIS strategy review on May 29th 2015. His presentation was entitled, Key issues for the INTO Submission to the DEIS Review: Building on Strengths and Addressing Gaps for DEIS II. He devised a range of questions for the meeting to consider regarding priority issues for the DEIS review. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Invited presentation on ACCESS TO EDUCATION IN EUROPE: A FRAMEWORK AND AGENDA FOR SYSTEM CHANGE for The Joint Networks (Dublin City University, February 13, 2015). The Joint Networks is a collective of national networks of practitioners in higher education that work collaboratively to address common issues in access to, and progression in, higher education for under-represented students. ACCESS PRESENTATION HERE
- Invited presentation, EU Research Funding Applications - Some Key Issues to Consider,Centre for Research in the Social Professions, Sligo Institute of Technology, February 14, 2014
-Invited presentation, Seven ‘Lamps’: Key Problems and Proposed Solutions for Overcoming Inequality in the Irish Education System, Sinn Fein Women’s Group, Equality Conference, Letterkenny, Sept 27th 2013
- Invited speaker and panel participant, ‘A new voice for a new vision – IMPACT and the issues in Education’, IMPACT Trade Union Education Division Inaugural Conference, 3-5 April 2013, Kilkenny.
- Invited respondent, Ireland United States Alumni Association (IUSA) seminar, Towards an understanding of the dynamics underpinning education achievement/underachievement in the 21st Century. St. Patrick’s College, April 18, 2012.
-Invited speaker, Connecting strengths of school, family and community and implementation of recommendations of the evaluation report of the Ballymun school attendance initiative. Seminar, Miss School, Miss Out 2012. Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership, March 26 2012.
- Invited speaker, Edu-Care in DEIS (Disadvantaged) Schools: Integrating Mental Health and Education through a Positive School Climate and External Supports. West Limerick Resources Ltd., Social Inclusion Seminar, February 24, 2011
- Invited speaker, Needs, policies and practice for system level intervention: Key issues forthe next era in moving beyond educational disadvantage. National Education Welfare Board seminar, Mapping the landscape, at the Hilton Hotel, Kilmainham, Dublin. March 23rd 2010.
- Invited speaker, System level reform at PostPrimary: Future steps, for 25th Annual Conference of the National Parents’ Association for Vocational Schools and Community Colleges, Free Education: At What Price ? March 12th/13th 2010, Sheraton Hotel, Athlone. With Mary O’Rourke TD, Former Minister for Education, Cearbhall O’Dalaigh, Former Deputy Chief Inspector of Irish Department of Education and Science, Rose Tully, National Parents Council Post-Primary Public Relations Officer and Jim Moore, President of National Parents’ Council Post-Primary.
- Invited speaker, A Community Based Multidisciplinary Psychological Support Service for the Northside Partnership Area: Building on the Familiscope, Ballyfermot Model of Early Intervention and Prevention at the Regional Education Network Wider Network Meeting, the Northside Local Area Partnership Ltd., Ayrfield, Dublin, November 12 2010.
- Invited speaker on the Dundalk Incredible Years Programme of Early Intervention with Parents and with Teachers, at the Dundalk Institute of Technology, 26th May 2010.
- Invited speaker, Steps, Measures and Programmes for Equality, SIPTU (Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union)-ASTI (Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland) Centenary Seminar on Equality in Education ‘Springboard or Trap Door ? Is Our Education System Making Our Children More or Less Equal ?’ Liberty Hall, 28th November 2009. The other invited speakers were Sheila Nunan, General Secretary of the INTO (Irish National Teachers Organisation) and Professor Tom Collins, Vice-President for External Affairs, University of Maynooth.
- Invited speaker, Business in the Community: A strategic focus on contexts of disadvantage, to address National Team of Business in the Community/School-Business Partnership, July 1, 2009.
- Invited speaker, Future Directions in Moving Beyond Educational Disadvantage, at Seminar for IMPACT, Equality and Disadvantage in Education, Helix Gallery, Dublin City University, January 29, 2009.
- Invited speaker, Conference, Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership, Miss School, MissOut, Missed Opportunities. Axis Theatre, Ballymun, November 30, 2009. With Dr Aisling Gillen, National Specialist Children's Services, Health Services Executive; Nuala Doherty, Director of Educational Welfare Services, National Educational Welfare Board; Eleanor McClorey, Chief Executive, Young Ballymun
- Invited speaker, Reconceptualising transition: The jolt in climate between primary andpost-primary, at seminar for Ballymun Whitehall Area Partnership to develop and implement a local framework to support successful transitions from home to pre-school to primary to postprimary school. AXIS Arts and Community Resource Centre Theatre, Ballymun, May 11, 2009.
- Invited Speaker, No mental health strategy for contexts of educational disadvantage: A key barrier to progress at Combat Poverty Agency Conference, Overcoming Barriers to Educational Disadvantage, Croke Park Dublin Conference Centre, June 25, 2008. The other invited speakers were Professor Hugh Mehan, Department of Sociology, University College San Diego and Professor Kathleen Lynch, Equality Studies Centre, University College Dublin.
- Invited speaker on Beyond Educational Disadvantage, at PLANET National Network of Local Area Partnerships’ Conference, Mullingar Park Arms Hotel (6th March, 2008).
- Invited Speaker at Ballymun Area Partnership and Penn Literacy Network/Irish Preschool Partnership Association, Language and Literacy Awards Evening, 4th April 2008.
- Invited speaker at conference Guinness Hopstore (June 28, 2007) to launch report Count us in: Tackling early school leaving in South West Inner City Dublin, An integrated response (P.Downes & C. Maunsell 2007). Report launched by Minister for Education and Science, Mary Hanafin, together with Pat Carey, Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, with special responsibility for Drugs Strategy and Community Affairs.
- Invited speaker with Professor Tom Collins (then Head of Education, University of Maynooth) at a forum on education in Blanchardstown, organised by Member of Irish Parliament, Joan Burton, 27 March 2007.
- Invited conference speaker at presentation of report 'Quality Development of Out of School Services: An agenda for development' at QDOSS conference Out of School Services – their role in influencing and enabling educational outcomes for children and young people. Dublin Castle (14th December 2006).
- Invited presentation to Finglas Area Partnership, Dublin on Poverty and Early School Leaving (February 2005), Seminar, Marino Institute of Education
- Invited presentation on Early School Leaving at launch of report on early school leaving ‘Listen B 4 I Leave’, for Canal Communities Partnership (March 2004)
Gash, H. (2016). Zen and constructivist thinking. In G.E. Lasker & K. Hiwaki. (Eds.) Personal and Spiritual Development in the World of Cultural Diversity. Vol XIII. pp.23-27. International Institute for Advanced Studies: Ontario. Available at http://cepa.info/26921.
Nescolarde-Selva, J.A., Usó-Doménech J.L. and Gash, H. (2015) Guest Editors: Belief Systems in Science and Engineering. Cybernetics and Systems.
Gash, H. (2015) Knowledge construction: A paradigm shift. In G.J. van Schalkwyk & R.C. D’Amato (Eds.) Facilitative Collaborative Knowledge Co-Construction: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 143. Jossey Bass.
Gash, H. (2014) Constructing constructivism. In special issue of Constructivist Foundations, 9, 3, 302-327. on "Forty Years of Radical Constructivism in Educational Research” Editors A. Riegler and L. Steffe. Available at: http://cepa.info/1077 International Institute for Advanced Studies: Windsor, Ontario.
Gash, H. (2006) Beginning primary teachers and children with mild learning difficulties. Irish Educational Studies, 25, 275-287.
Gash, H., & Murphy-Lejeune, E. (2004) Children's perceptions of other cultures. In (Eds) Jim Deegan, Dympna Devine, & Anne Lodge. Primary voices: Equality Diversity and Childhood in Irish Primary Schools. pp205-221. IPA: Dublin.
Patricia Noonan Walsh, & Hugh Gash. (Eds.) (2004) Lives and Times: Policy, Practice and People with Disability. Rathdown (Wordwell): Dublinwww.wordwellbooks.com/book.php?id=394
Gash, H., Illán Romeu, N., & López Pina, J-A. (2004) Spanish and Irish images of special needs: Perceptions of inclusion. In Patricia Noonan.Walsh, & Hugh Gash. (Eds.) Lives and Times: Policy, Practice and People with Disability. pp 180-223. Rathdown: Dublin
Gash, H., Molina Garcia, S.& Rault, C. (2001). Causes of school failure and remedies advocated by teachers: Comparative analysis of the studies carried out in Spain, France and Ireland. pp 255-296. In Rault, C., Molina Garcia, S., Gash, H. Shine Thompson, M.; & Whelan, A. (2001). School failure and learning support in Ireland: evidence, perceptions and practice. pp. 209-254.
Gash, H. (2001). (Eds.) Difficultés d'apprentissage quels types d'aides, dans la classe et hors de la classe. L'Harmattan: Paris
Gash, H., & Shine Thompson, M. (2001). Constructivist teaching: Overcoming prejudice in classrooms. In G.E. Lasker & B.A. Day (Eds.) Advances in Education. Vol IV. pp. 11-16.
C., Molina Garcia, S., & Gash, H. (2001). (Eds.) Difficultés d'apprentissage quels types d'aides, dans la classe et hors de la classe. L'Harmattan: Paris
Rault, C., Molina Garcia, S., & Gash, H. (2001). (Eds.) Difficultés d'apprentissage quels types d'aides, dans la classe et hors de la classe. L'Harmattan: Paris
Gash, H. Attitudes of Irish primary school children to European and Third World children. In M. Hackett (Ed.), Intercultural Education - Celebrating Diversity (pp. 44-65). Drumcondra Education Centre, Dublin. (1995)
Maeve worked as a primary school teacher in areas of disadvantage for a number of years before continuing her studies in Educational Psychology. Since qualifying as an Educational Psychologist, she has worked for NEPS panel of psychologists and on a variety of research projects in St Patrick’s College. She worked as a lecturer in the Special Education department for three years before commencing her position as lecturer in Psychology in the Education department.
Dr Maeve O'Brien BEd, MEd (Boston), MA in Ed (UCD), PhD (Equality Studies UCD) is Associate Professor in Sociology and Head of the School of Human Development at the Institute of Education, St Patrick's Campus, DCU. With many years’ experience as a teacher and Home/School/Liaison Coordinator in Dublin's Inner City Maeve moved to full time research and then to teacher education and Human Development. She coordinated the HD programme on the BA for several years. She teaches at undergraduate level on the BA in Human Development and the BEd programmes. Her post graduate teaching has spanned the MA, BEd and Ed D programmes focusing primarily on inequalities of class and gender in education and their impact on care and relationships. She will make a contribution to the MA chaplaincy programme on care theory in 2018. She has published on issues of educational transitions and social class, gender and schooling support work, caring relationality and professional praxis, and the significance of care and wellbeing in educational contexts today. Her recent report developing a Human Development Conceptual Framework for the 2nd level wellbeing curriculum (NCCA) with Dr Andrew O’Shea. Maeve is co-editor of the international education journal Irish Educational Studies.
O'Shea. A., & O'Brien, M. (Eds.) (2011) Pedagogy Oppression and Transformation in a Post Critical Climate. London: Continuum.
O'Brien, M. (2004) Making the Move: Students' Teachers' and Parents' Perspectives on. Dublin: Marino Institute of Education.
Furlong C and O'Brien M (2017) 'An Exploration of Teacher Educator Identities within an Irish Context of Reform' In: International research, policy and practice in teacher education: insider perspectives. London: Springer.
O'Brien, M. (2012) 'Care Relationality and a Humanising Education: The Significance of the Affective Context in Initial Teacher Education' In: Re -Imagining Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on Transformation. Dublin: Liffey Press.
O'Brien, M. (2011) 'Professional responsibility and an ethic of care: Teachers' care as moral praxis' In: C. Sugrue & T. Dyrdal Solbreke (Eds.) (eds). Professional Responsibility: New Horizons of Praxis. London: Routledge.
O'Brien, M. (2011) 'Towards a pedagogy of care and well-being: Restoring the vocation of Becoming Human through care and relationality' In: A. O’Shea & M. O’Brien (Eds.) (eds). Pedagogy, Oppression and Transformation in a 'Post-Critical' Climate. London: Continuum.
O’Brien, M. (2009) 'The impact of economic, social, cultural and emotional capital on mothers' love and care work in education' In: K. Lynch, J. Baker, & M. Lyons (Eds.) (eds). Affective Equality: Love, Care and Injustice. London: Palgrave and Macmillan.
O'Brien, M., & Flynn, M. (2007) 'Emotions, inequalities and care in education' In: P. Downes & A.L. Gilligan (Eds.) (eds). Beyond educational Disadvantage. Dublin: IPA.
Yarrow, A., Corr, L., Lent, C., O'Brien, M. Osgood, J. and Boyd, M. (2016) 'Worthwhile work? Childcare, feminist ethics and cooperative research practices'. Gender and Education, ([10.1080/09540253.20)
OBrien M and Furlong F (2015) 'Continuities and discontinuities in the life histories of teacher educators in changing times'. Irish Educational Studies, 34 (4):379-394
O'Brien, M. (2008) 'Gendered capital: Emotional capital and mothers' care work in education'. Sociology of Education, 29 (2):137-7-149
O'Brien, M. (2007) 'Mothers’ emotional care work in education and its moral imperative'. Gender and Education, 19 (2):159-9-178
O'Brien, M. (2005) 'Girls and transition to second-level schooling in Ireland: Moving in and moving out'. Irish Educational Studies, 15 (3):249-9-267
O'Brien, M. (2005) 'Mothers as educational workers: Mothers’ emotional work at their children’s transfer to second-level schooling'. Irish Educational Studies, 24 (2-3):223-3-243
O'Brien M and O'Shea A (2018) A Deeper Well: Reclaiming Wellbeing for Teachers of SPHE . In: Nohilly M , Collins, B., Kavanagh, A M., Keating, S., O'Mahony, F., O'Sullivan C eds. Citizenship Education 100 years on 3rd SPHE Network Conference , pp.7-14
O'Brien, M. (2015) Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in Careless Times: Caring as Professional Ethical Praxis and Identity . In: Car Mészáros, György, and Franciska Körtvélyesi, eds eds. Social Justice and Diversity in Teacher Education Budapest
O’Brien, M. and O'Shea A (2017) A Human Development (PSP) Framework for Orienting Education and Schools in the Space of Wellbeing. NCCA, Dublin.
O’Brien, M. (2008) Well-Being and Post PrimarySchooling: A Review of the Literature and Research. NCCA, Dublin.
Dr Marie Flynn is a lecturer in sociology in the DCU Institute of Education. She is a member of the School of Human Development, and is involved in a range of programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Marie’s main teaching responsibilities are in the areas of families and education, intelligences and inequalities in schooling, children’s rights and privacy, and the sociology of childhood. Her research interests and publications are mainly in diversity and schooling, children’s privacy, traveller education, families and schooling, and school placement.
Marie Flynn (1998). Intelligence and inequality, the need to even the score. In Á. Hyland (Ed.), Innovations in assessment in Irish education. Cork: MI Project, UCC.
Marie Flynn (2000). A Multiple Intelligences Approach to Teaching and Learning: Report on initial stages of an action research project. In Á. Hyland (Ed.), Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum and Assessment Project (Final Report). Cork: Education Department, NUIC.
Joan Hanafin, Michael Shevlin, Marie Flynn (2002). Responding to student diversity: Lessons from the margins. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 10(3), 409-423. doi:10.1080/14681360200200151
Maeve O'Brien & Marie Flynn (2007). Emotions, inequalities and care in Education. In P. Downes & A.L. Gilligan (Eds.), Beyond educational disadvantage (pp. 216-228). Dublin: IPA.
Joan Hanafin, Tom O' Donoghue, Marie Flynn, and Michael Shevlin (2010). The primary school's invasion of the privacy of the child: unmasking the potential of some current practices. Educational Studies, 36(2), 143-152. doi:10.1080/03055690903148720
Marie Flynn (1998). A study of gender differentiation in primary school playgrounds. Irish Educational Studies, 17(1), 148-160.
Anne Lodge & Marie Flynn. (2001). Gender in the primary school playground. In A. Cleary, M. Nic Giolla Phádraig, & S. Quinn (Eds.), Children in Irish Society. Dublin: IPA
Dr Audrey Bryan is an Assistant Professor in the School of Human Development, DCU, where she teach courses in Sociology across the range of programme offerings on the Humanities (Human Development) and Education programmes. Her academic background spans the fields of Comparative and International Education, Sociology, Applied Social Research and Psychology.
Audrey’s main teaching areas are in the Sociology of Childhood and Childhood Studies and the Sociology of Education. In addition to DCU, she has taught at Teachers College, Columbia University, University College Dublin, and SciencesPo University, Paris as a visiting Professor.
Her research interests lie in an exploration of the subjective experiences of those who are ‘othered’ or marginalised by inequitable and discriminatory educational structures, relations, and practices, and with the broad pedagogical and ethical question of what it means to educate for social and global justice. Much of her work to date has been concerned with disrupting comfortable assumptions about the role that education plays in resolving conflict, in fostering tolerance, or in promoting development. She has published nationally and internationally on issues relating to racism and anti-racism, gender and sexuality, climate change and citizenship education. Some of her most recent publications include an exploration of global citizenship education as a public pedagogy, the challenges of teaching ‘difficult’ or emotionally complex knowledge and the complexity of suicidality discourses among sexually minority youth. She serves on the editorial board of the journal Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review and is also on the steering committees of the Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education and the UBUNTU Network for Sustainable Development.
Bryan, A. 'You've got to teach people that racism is wrong and then they won't be racist': Curricular representations and young people's understandings of race and racism. (2012, Forthcoming) in Journal of Curriculum Studies.
Bryan, A. (2011). Another cog in the anti-politics machine? The 'de-clawing' of development education' in Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 12(1), 1-14.
Bryan, A., & Bracken, M. (2011). 'They think the book is right and I am wrong': Intercultural education and the positioning of ethnic minority students in the formal and informal curriculum. In M. Darmody, N. Tyrrell, & S. Song (Eds.), The Changing Faces of Ireland: Exploring Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Children's Experiences. Sense.
Bryan, A. (2011, forthcoming). Band-Aid pedagogy, celebrity humanitarianism and cosmopolitan provincialism: a critical analysis of global citizenship education in the Republic of Ireland. In S. Malleck & S. Wankel (Eds.), Globalisation and ethics. Information Age.
Bryan, A. (with M. Bracken). (2010). The reflective practitioner model as a means of evaluating development education practice. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 10(2), 22-41.
Bryan, A. (2010). Corporate multiculturalism, diversity management and positive interculturalism in Irish schools and society. Irish Educational Studies, 29(3), 253-269.
Bryan, A. (2010, March). 'Migration Nation': Intercultural education and anti-racism as symbolic violence in Celtic Tiger Ireland. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Chicago, IL.
Bryan, A. (2008, March). 'Every day you are helping the world's poorest people': The articulation of International Development among donor agencies: A case study of the Irish Development and Development Education spaces.. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
Bryan, A. (2007, April). The intersectionality of nationalism and multiculturalism in the formal and informal curriculum. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Bryan, A. (2007, August). Multicultural education as symbolic violence: The (Mis)representation of 'race,' racism and racialized minorities in multicultural educational curricula and practices in the Republic of Ireland. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, NY.
Bryan, A. (2007, July). The representation of national identity and multiculturalism in the Irish curriculum. Educating for democratic citizenship?. Paper presented at the Education for Democratic Citizenship Conference, Institute of Education and Birkbeck College, University of London.
Bryan, A. (2007, May). The representation of development, diversity and intercultural issues in the Irish curriculum: Challenges for mainstreaming a global ethical perspective in education. Paper presented at th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, Tartu, Estonia.
Bryan, A. (2005, April). Nationals, Supranationals and 'Non-Nationals': An ethnographic case study of the role of schooling in Ireland in contesting and/or reproducing racism through national, European and multicultural curricula. Invited paper presented to the Committee for Community and Diversity, Teachers College, Columbia University.
Bryan, A. (2002, March). Globalisation and marginalization in the Republic of Ireland: An analysis of representations of asylum seekers in the Irish media. Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Orlando, FL.
Bryan, A. (2010). Common-sense citizenship, citizenship tourism, and citizenship education in an era of gobalisation: The case of Ireland during the Celtic Tiger era. In A. Reid, J. Gill, & A. Sears (Eds.), Globalisation, the nation-state and the citizen: Dilemmas and directions for civics and citizenship education. New York, NY: Routledge.
Bryan, A. (2009). Migration Nation: Anti-racism and intercultural education as symbolic violence in Celtic Tiger Ireland. In F. Vavrus & L. Bartlett (Eds.), Critical approaches to comparative education: Vertical case studies from Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.
Bryan, A. (2009). Pedagogies of privilege: Re-thinking interculturalism and anti-racism in education. In S. Drudy (Eds.), Education in Ireland: Challenge and change. Dublin: Gill & MacMillan.
Bryan, A. (2009). Postcolonial approaches to global citizenship education: Re-thinking theory, re-thinking pedagogy. In C. Farrington (Ed.), Teaching from Theory, Learning from Practice: Development Education for the Primary Sector. E-book retrievable from Yudo.
Bryan, A. (2007). The (mis)representation of Travellers in the civic, social and political education curriculum. In P. Downes & A.L. Gilligan (Eds.), Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: IPA.
Bryan, A (2011). Another cog in the anti-politics machine? The 'de-clawing' of development education'. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review (12), Spring 2011, pp. 1-14. Retrievable from www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue12-editorial
Bracken, M & Bryan, A (2010). The reflective practitioner model as a means of evaluating development education practice: Post-primary teachers' self-reflections on 'doing' development education. Policy & Practice: A Development Education Review, 10(2), 22-41. Retrievable fromhttp://www.developmenteducationreview.com/issue11-focus2
Bryan, A. (2010). Corporate multiculturalism, diversity management and positive interculturalism in Irish schools and society. Irish Educational Studies, 29(3), 253-269. doi:10.1080/03323315.2010.498566
Bryan, A. (2009). The intersectionality of nationalism and multiculturalism in the Irish curriculum: Teaching against racism? Race ethnicity and education, 12(3), 297-317. doi:10.1080/13613320903178261
Bryan, A. (2008). The co-articulation of national identity and interculturalism in the Irish curriculum: Educating for democratic citizenship? London Review of Education, 6(1), 47-58. doi:10.1080/14748460801889894
Bryan, A. (2008). Researching and searching for international development in the formal curriculum: Towards a post-colonial conceptual framework. Policy and Practice: A Development Education Review, 7(1), 68-79. Retrievable fromwww.developmenteducationreview.com/issue10.
Bryan, A., & Vavrus, F. (2005). The promise and peril of education: The teaching of in/tolerance in an era of globalisation. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 3(2), 237-255. doi:10.1080/14767720500167033
Bryan, A., & Mochizuki, Y. (2002). Beyond 'gender sensitization' and 'gender mainstreaming': Comparative and international education towards the democratic reconstruction of gender. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 5(1). Retrievable from www.tc.edu/cice/Issues/05.01/05_01.html.
Mayock, P., Bryan, A., Carr, N., & Kitching, K. (2009). Supporting LGBT lives in Ireland: A study of the mental health and well-being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people (Report commissioned by the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN) and BeLonG To Youth Service, and funded by the Health Service Executive's National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP).). Retrievable from GLEN.
Kathleen Lynch and Anne Lodge (2002) Equality and Power in Schools. London. Routledge Falmer
Paula Flynn, Michael Shevlin and Anne Lodge (2012) '‘Pupil Voice and Participation: Empowering Children with Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties’' In: The Routledge International Companion to Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. London: Routledge.
Linda Hyland, Sinead McGilloway and Anne Lodge (2012) '‘Coping with Behavioural Difficulties in the Irish Primary School Classroom: An Investigation of Teacher Experiences’' In: F. Dovran (eds). Research in Teacher Education and Training. Athens: AITNER.
Lodge, A. and Lynch, K. (2005) 'Gender' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Lodge, A. and Lynch, K. (2005) 'Conclusion: strategies for change' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Lodge, A. and Lynch, K. (2005) 'Introduction' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Lodge, A. and Kenny, M. (2005) 'Traveller Community' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Anne Lodge and Marie Clarke (2005) 'Race' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Anne Lodge (2005) 'Religious Belief' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Anne Lodge (2005) 'Sexual Orientation’' In: Diversity at School. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Lodge, A., Devine, D. and Deegan, J. (2004) 'Introduction: Equality, Diversity and Childhood in Irish Primary Schools’' In: Primary Voices: equality, diversity and childhood in Irish Primary Schools. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Devine, D., Lodge, A. and Deegan, J. (2004) '‘Conclusion: Activating Voices through Practice: democracy, care and consultation in the primary school’' In: Primary Voices: equality, diversity and childhood in Irish Primary Schools. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Anne Lodge (2004) '‘Denial, Tolerance or Recognition of Difference? The experiences of minority belief parents in the denominational primary system’' In: Jim Deegan, Dympna Devine and Anne Lodge (eds). Primary Voices: equality, diversity and childhood in Irish Primary Schools. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Anne Lodge (2004) 'Interviewing the Vampire Slayers: active media consumption, imagination and gendered identity’' In: Primary Voices: equality, diversity and childhood in Irish Primary Schools. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Lodge, A. and Lynch, K. (2003) '‘Young people’s equality concerns: the invisibility of diversity’' In: Encouraging Voices. Dublin: National Disability Authority.
Lodge, A. and Flynn, M. (2001) 'Gender Identity in the Primary School Playground' In: Children in Irish Society. Cork: Oak Tree Press.
Anne Lodge and Kathleen Lynch (1999) '‘Essays on Schools' In: Equality in Education. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan.
Jim Deegan, Dympna Devine and Anne Lodge (Ed.). (2004) Primary Voices: equality, diversity and childhood in Irish Primary Schools Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Anne Lodge and Kathleen Lynch (Ed.). (2005) Diversity at School Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
Leckey, Y., Hyland, L., Hickey, G., Lodge, A., Kelly, P., Bywater, T., Comiskey, C., Donnelly, M. & McGilloway, S. (2016) '“A Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Longer Term Implementation and Utility of a Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme in Irish Primary Schools”'. Irish Educational Studies, 31 (1):35-55
Hickey, G., Hyland, S., Donnelly, M., Comiskey, C., Bywater, T., O’Neill, D., McGilloway, S., Lodge, A. and Kelly, P. (2015) '“Exploring the effects of a universal classroom management training programme on teacher and child behaviour: a group randomised controlled trial and cost analysis”'. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 13 (2):1-21
Hyland, L., O’Malley, G., Lodge, A. & McGilloway, S. (2014) '“Conduct Problems in Young, School-Going Children in Ireland: prevalance and teacher response”'. School Psychology International, 35 (5):516-529
Clarke, M., Lodge, A. and Shevlin, M. (2012) '‘Evaluating Initial Teacher Education Programmes: Perspectives from the Republic of Ireland’'. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28 :141-153
Anne Lodge (2005) '‘Gender and children’s social world: esteemed and marginalised masculinities in the primary school playground’'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 14 (2):177-192
Anne Lodge and Kathleen Lynch (2000) '‘Power: A Central Educational Relationship’'. Irish Educational Studies, 19
Anne Lodge (1999) '‘First Communion in Carnduffy: a religious and secular rite of Passage’'. Irish Educational Studies, 19 :210-222
Paula Flynn, Michael Shevlin and Anne Lodge (2012) 'Listening, Learning, Leadership.... and the I'm Me Programme' ESHA, :54-67.
Anne Lodge and David Tuohy (2011) '‘Parental Values in Protestant Primary Schools: a new survey’' Search, 34 (3) :188-195.
Paula Flynn, Michael Shevlin and Anne Lodge (2011) 'Are you listening? I'm Me!' Reach, 25 (1) :60-74.
Lodge, A and Dunne, D. (2010) '‘Crossing the Boundary – Implications for Leadership in the Church of Ireland‘' Search, 33 (3) :176-182.
Anne Lodge (2013) ‘Valuing Visibility? An exploration of the construction of school ethos to enable or prevent recognition of sexual identities’ New Foundations: School “Ethos” and LGBT Sexualities
Anne Lodge (2012) ‘Policy Changes in Teacher Education: Impliations for Inclusion’ Opening Access to Teacher Education and Practice for Students with Disabilities
Anne Lodge and David Tuohy (2016) Small Schools: Value for Learning. General Synod Board of Education / Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin.
Anne Lodge, David Tuohy and Ken Fennelly (2011) Our Schools, Our Community. General Synod Board of Education, Dublin.
McGilloway, S., Hyland, L., Ni Mhaille, G., Lodge, A., O’Neill, D., Kelly, P., Leckey, Y., Bywater, T., Comiskey, C. And Donnelly, M. (2011) Positive Classrooms, Positive Children. A Randomised Controlled Trial to investigate to effectiveness of the Incredible years Teacher Classroom Management Management programme in an Irish contents (short-time outcomes). Archways, Dublin.
Lodge, A., Gowran, S and O'Shea, K. (2008) Valuing Visibility: an exploration of how sexual Orientation issues are recognised and addressed in post-primary schools. Department of Education and Skills, Dublin.
Lodge, A., Coolahan, J. and Walsh, T. (2006) Ireland’ Full report for the Eurybase Database on European Education. Department of Education and Skills, Dublin.
David Tuohy and Anne Lodge (2003) The Secondment of Teachers: how secondment impacts on career dynamics in teaching and the costs within the education system. Clare Education Centre, Clare.
Fiona Collins is the full time Facilitator and Network Coordinator of the DCU Changemaker Schools Network. As a community of practice linked to the DCU IoE, the network supports the vision and mission of the DCU IoE lead transformation in Irish education. Fiona has been seconded from her role as principal of the DCU Changemaker School Francis Street School and is a PhD candidate in educational leadership.
The schools in the network, with support from DCU are broadening the development of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in Irish Primary Schools by promoting, teaching and supporting the skills of empathy, creativity, leadership and teamwork. Central to the programme is the very simple yet powerful idea that all children can be Changemakers- someone with the skills and confidence to lead change in their home, school and community.
They are currently piloting the DCU Changemaker Schools programme with 5 new primary schools next year and are looking for school nominations from their Advisory Group stakeholders and colleagues at the DCU IoE. Should you wish to nominate a school please contact Fiona for more information and a form, or indeed should you wish to have more information on the programme please do not hesitate to contact Fiona at fiona.collins@dcu.ie or visit their website https://www.dcuchangemakernetwork.com/
Andy Burke, member of the Institute of Education's Educational Disadvantage Centre, is lead author of a recently published report for the World Bank, Transforming Teacher Education in the West Bank and Gaza : Policy Implications for Developing Countries.
This is a policy-related review of an eleven-year (2008-2019) teacher education reform project in the West Bank and Gaza in which Andy Burke was involved from beginning to end. The report has just been published by the World Bank in its Policy Research Working Paper series. The model of teacher education reform developed with their Palestinian colleagues is viewed as having potential for significant impact in other developing countries. It is already being adopted for implementation in The Gambia and Zambia.
Burke,Andrew; Cuadra,Ernesto Pancracio; Mahon,Tony; Moreno Olmedilla,Juan Manuel; Thacker,Simon.2020.
Transforming Teacher Education in the West Bank and Gaza : Policy Implications for Developing Countries (English). Policy Research working paper;no. WPS 9328 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.
Eithne Kennedy is Head of the School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education and senior lecturer in literacy studies. Prior to joining the faculty in 1997, she was a classroom teacher in Dublin and the US where she earned her Master’s in Special Education at Fordham University, NYC. She is the recipient of the International Literacy Association’s Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award (2010) and DCU President’s Award for Public Engagement (2014). As the director of the Write to Read research initiative, a longitudinal University, School and Community Literacy project she also works collaboratively with schools and communities to create powerful literacy environments that motivate and engage children as readers, writers and thinkers. She has authored and co-authored several publications in the field of literacy including: Raising Literacy Achievement in High-Poverty Schools: An Evidence-Based Approach (Routledge, US, 2014), and a range of papers on literacy research, policy and practice. She is a past president of the Literacy Association of Ireland and a current executive committee member.
Kennedy, E. (2010). Improving literacy achievement in a high-poverty school: Empowering classroom teachers through professional development. Reading Research Quarterly, 45(4), pp. 384-387.
Kennedy E., & Shiel, G. (2010). Raising literacy levels with collaborative on-site professional development in an urban disadvantaged school. The Reading Teacher, 63(5), 372–383.
Kennedy, E. (2009). Raising literacy achievement through collaborative professional development. In Reading News (A Reading Association of Ireland newsletter), September.
Kennedy, E. (2009). Improving literacy in a disadvantaged school: A research-based approach. In Child literacy and social inclusion: Policy and implementation issues (Research Report No. 39, Commissioned by National Economic and Social Forum). Dublin: NESF.
Kennedy, E. (2007). Building schools where literacy thrives. In G. Shiel & B. Dwyer (Eds.), Literacy at the Crossroads: Moving Forward, Looking Back (Papers from the 30th annual conference of the RAI.). Dublin: Reading Association of Ireland.
Kennedy, E. (2007). Literacy in designated disadvantaged schools. In P. Downes & A.L. Gilligan (Eds.), Beyond Educational Disadvantage. Dublin: IPA.
Kennedy, E. (2010, December). Investigating the impact of a collaborative professional development intervention on literacy outcomes in a high-poverty urban elementary school. Paper presented at the 60th Annual National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.
Kennedy, E. (2009, September). Lessons from a school where literacy thrives: Transforming outcomes through a research-based approach to underachievement. Keynote address at 33rd Annual Reading Association of Ireland Conference, Literacy in the 21st Century: Perspectives, Challenges and Transformations, St. Patrick's College, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2009, September). Lessons from a school where literacy thrives: Transforming outcomes through a research-based approach to underachievement. Keynote address at 33rd Annual Reading Association of Ireland Conference, Literacy in the 21st Century: Perspectives, Challenges and Transformations, St. Patrick's College, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2009, July). Improving literacy achievement in a disadvantaged primary school: Empowering classroom teachers through professional development. Presented at Literacy Association International Conference, Greenwich, UK.
Kennedy, E. (2009, July). Improving literacy achievement in disadvantaged primary schools through a research-based approach to intervention. Presented at 16th European Reading Conference, Braga, Portugal.
Kennedy, E., Shiel, G., & Marsh J. (2009, July). Closing the literacy achievement gap through collaborative professional development: Policy and practice in Ireland and the UK. Symposium presentation at the United Kingdom Literacy Association International Conference, Greenwich, UK.
Kennedy, E. (2009, February). Literacy in disadvantaged schools: A research-based approach to underachievement in literacy. Invited speaker to the National Economic and Social Forum, Government Buildings, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2008, April). Literacy in a disadvantaged school: Empowering classroom teachers through professional development and a research-based approach to literacy instruction. Invited speaker to the Northside Partnership Group, Hilton Hotel, Malahide Road, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2007, September). Building schools where literacy thrives. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Reading Association of Ireland Conference, St. Patrick's College, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2007, March). Reading literacy in disadvantaged schools. Reading Association of Ireland Spring Seminar, Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick.
Kennedy, E. (2007, January). Reading literacy teacher education in Ireland. Presented at IDEC (International Development in Europe Committee), European Committee of the International Reading Association, St. Patrick's College, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2003, March). Effective literacy instruction in the infant classroom. Paper presented at Reading Association of Ireland Spring Seminar, Church of Ireland College, Dublin.
Kennedy, E. (2001, July). Language and teacher education in Ireland: Writing. Paper presented at the 12th European Conference on Reading, Dublin City University.
Irene White is Assistant Professor in English and Drama Education in the School of Human Development at the Institute of Education, Dublin City University. She is Programme Chair of the Professional Master of Education and teaches across a range of initial teacher education programmes. Irene taught English and Drama at post-primary level for twelve years, during which time she was a mentor for initial teacher education students and a State Exams Commission examiner for the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme.
White, I., Foody, M., & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2019) Storytelling as a Liminal Space: Using a narrative based participatory approach to tackle cyberbullying among adolescents In: Heidi Vandebosch and Lelia Green (eds). Narratives in Research and Interventions on Cyberbullying among Young People. Switzerland: Springer, Cham.
White, I., Lorenzi, F. & O’Higgins Norman, J. (2018) Fighting words as revolutionary pedagogy: A Freirean reading of young people’s experiences of a socially-engaged creative writing centre. Pastoral Care in Education
White, I; Lorenzi, F (2016) The development of a model of creative space and its potential for transfer from non-formal to formal education. International Review of Education, 62 :771-790
White, Irene (2015) Whose art is it anyway? Devising in Participatory Arts and Professional Theatre Practice: A Critical and Historical Analysis of Upstate Theatre Project In: Siobhán O'Gorman and Charlotte McIvor (eds). Devised Performance in Irish Theatre: Histories and Contemporary Practices. Dublin: Carysfort.
White, Irene (2014) Playing Your Part: Using Drama Strategies to Promote Well-Being and Self-Esteem Among Young People In: James O'Higgins Norman (eds). Education Matters, Readings in Pastoral Care for School Chaplains, Guidance Counsellors and Teachers. Dublin: Veritas.
Sinéad McNally is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the Institute of Education. Her research examines young children’s language and social-emotional development in the context of family and early educational and care environments, including a special focus on the language development of very young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sinéad received her PhD in Psychology (2009) and BA in Psychology and French (2004) from Trinity College Dublin.
Guerin, S., Hayes, N. & McNally, S (Ed.). (2017) Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings: Experiences from Practice London: Routledge.
McNally, S., Murphy, T., Morgan, M., & Keegan, S. (2017) 'Governance and Ethics in Community Research and Evaluation' In: Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings. London: Routledge.
Quigley, J., McNally, S., & Lawson, S. (2016) 'Prosodic Patterns in Interaction of Low-Risk and at-Risk-of-Autism Spectrum Disorders Infants and Their Mothers at 12 and 18 Months'. Language Learning and Development, 12 (3):295-310
McNally, S., Kent, G., Fagan, B., & Bleach, J. (2016) 'Knowledge Exchange in Early Childhood Research and Practice: Findings from the Early Learning Initiative and the National College of Ireland'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies,
Hyland, P., Shevlin, M., McNally, S., Murphy, J., Hansen, M., & Elklit, A. (2016) 'Exploring differences between the ICD-11 and DSM-5 models of PTSD: Does it matter which model is used?'. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 37 :48-53
McNally, S., Share, M., & Murray, A. (2014) 'Prevalence and predictors of grandparent childcare in Ireland: Findings from a nationally representative sample of infants and their families'. Child Care in Practice, 20 (2):182-193
McNally, S. & Quigley, J. (2014) 'An Irish Cohort Study of Risk and Protective Factors for Infant Language Development at 9 Months'. Infant and Child Development, 23 (6):634-649
McCrory, C. & McNally, S. (2013) 'The effect of pregnancy intention on maternal prenatal behaviours and parent and child health: results of an irish cohort study'. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 27 (2):208-215
Smith, G. & McNally, S. (2013) 'A Three-Pronged Approach to Early Intervention Speech and 119 Language Therapy Delivery in the Community'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies,
McNally, S. (2013) 'Growing Up in Ireland, the National Longitudinal Study of Children: An Evidence Base for Policy in Early Childhood Education and Care'. An Leanbh Óg: OMEP Ireland journal of early childhood studies,
Quigley, Jean and McNally, Sin\'ead (2013) 'Maternal communicative style in interaction with infant siblings of children with Autism'. Language, Interaction and Acquisition/Langage, Interaction et Acquisition, 4 (1):51-69
McNally, S. & Bourke, A. (2012) 'Factors affecting periconceptional folic acid supplementation in a nationally representative sample of mothers in Ireland'. Irish Medical Journal, 105 (7)
McNally, Thomas and McNally, Sin\'ead (2012) 'Chomsky and Wittgenstein on Linguistic Competence'. Nordic Wittgenstein Review,
Quigley, J and McNally, S (2012) 'Maternal response patterns to infant vocalisations: A comparison of at-genetic-risk-for-autism (HR) infants and a group of low-risk (LR) controls'. Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence, 60 (5)
McNally, S. & Downes, P. (2016) Evaluation of University College Dublin’s ‘Future You’ Peer Support Access Initiative: A Relational, Community Development Systemic Outreach Approach. University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin.
Greene, S., Morgan, M., McCrory, C. & McNally, S. (2014) Growing up in Ireland: review of the literature pertaining to the second wave of data collection with the infant cohort at three years. Dublin, Department of Children and Youth Affairs.
McGinnity, Frances and Murray, Aisling and McNally, Sinead (2013) Growing Up in Ireland: Mothers' Return to Work and Childcare Choices for Infants in Ireland. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.
Williams, James and Murray, Aisling and McCrory, Cathal and McNally, Sinead (2013) Growing Up in Ireland national longitudinal study of children: development from birth to three years infant cohort. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.
Williams, J., Greene, S., McNally, S., Murray, A., & Quail, A. (2010) Growing up in Ireland national longitudinal study of children: the infants and their families. Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Dublin.
Williams, J and Greene, S and Doyle, E and Harris, E and McDaid, R and McNally, S and Merriman, B and Nixon, E and Swords, L. (2008) Growing Up in Ireland -- National Longitudinal Study of Children [collection], Maynooth, Co. Kildare: Irish Qualitative Data Archive. Irish Qualitative Data Archive, Ireland.
McNally, S. & Maguire, R. (2015) 'Keep calm and carry on: Children’s self-regulation in early years settings' Children's Research Digest, 2 (2) :47-53.
Casey, C., McNally, S., O'Keefe, A., & Quinn, M. (2013) 'Restorative practices in action: Tallaght West - a case study' The Irish Review of Community Economic Development Law and Policy, 2 (1) :63-70.
McNally, S. & Downes, P. (2016) Impact of a mentoring programme to support access to higher education. Evaluation of University College Dublin’s Future You Peer Support Access Initiative: A Relational, Community Development Systemic Outreach Approach. [Poster Presentation ], 25th European Access Network (EAN) Conference, Retrospective for Perspective Access and Widening Participation 1991-2041, University College Dublin , 30-MAY-16 - 31-MAY-16
Quigley, J. & McNally, S. (2015) Maternal education and child language. [], Child Language Symposium, University of Warwick
McNally, S., Kent, G., Fagan, B., & Bleach, J. (2015) Knowledge exchange in early childhood research and practice. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], OMEP Ireland AGM and Annual
McNally, S., Bourke, A. & McCrory, C. (2011) Determinants of periconceptional folic acid supplementation in Ireland: findings from the Infant Cohort of Growing Up in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
McNally, S., Quigley, J., McCrory, C., & Murray, A. (2015) Identifying resilience in early child language development. [], International Convention for Psychological Science, Amsterdam
Murray, A., McNally, S., Quigley, J., & McCrory, C. (2014) Risk and resilience in early child language development. [Non Refereed Paper/Abstract ], Psychological Society of Ireland Conference, Kilkenny
McNally, S., Share, M., Kerrins, L., & Carey, S. (2014) Examining the role of grandparents in early childhood education. [], Annual Children's Research Network in Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, Dublin
Quigley, J., & McNally, S. (2013) Prosody in infant-mother dyads at risk of autism. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Child Language Seminar, Manchester
McNally, S. (2013) Using key findings from CDI's independent evaluations to inform primary care policy and practice. [Invited Oral Presentation], Childhood Development Initiative Primary Care Seminar, Dublin
McGinnity, F., Murray, A., & McNally, S. (2012) Childcare use and choice in a nationally representative sample of children in Ireland. [Non Refereed Paper/Abstract ], Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin
McNally, S. (2012) Voice of community. [Invited Oral Presentation], Respond Annual Conference, Dublin
Quigley, J. & McNally, S. (2012) Maternal response patterns to infant vocalisations. [], Early Language Acquisition Conference, Lyon, France
Smith, G. & McNally, S. (2012) Creating a health promoting school environment. [Non Refereed Paper/Abstract ], Institute of Public Health Conference, Belfast
McNally, S. (2012) Research child outcomes: implementing rigorous evaluations in the community. [], Annual Children's Research Network in Ireland and Northern Ireland Conference, Dublin
McNally, S., Bourke, A., & McCrory, C. (2011) Determinants of peri-conceptional folic acid use in Ireland. [Non Refereed Paper/Abstract ], Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin
Quigley, J. & McNally, S. (2011) A longitudinal analysis of maternal infant directed speech to preverbal infants. [], International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) conference, San Diego, California
McNally, S. (2010) Childcare in Ireland. [Non Refereed Paper/Abstract ], Growing Up in Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin
McNally, S. & Quigley, J. (2008) Theory in practice: behaviour theory and autism intervention. [], British Psychological Society Conference, Dublin
McNally, S. & Quigley, J. (2007) ABA and autism intervention: unnecessary constraints. [Non Refereed Paper/Abstract ], Psychological Society of Ireland Annual Conference, Killarney, Ireland
Murphy, S; McKenna, G & Downes, P. (2019). Educational Gaps and Future Solutions A study of the holistic educational needs and experiences of a sample of homeless men in Dublin aged 18-38 Years. Dublin: Peter McVerry Trust.
Grainne McKenna, Jacqueline Maguire, Seoidin O'Sullivan, Professor Noirin Hayes, Carmel O'Sullivan (2014) 'The Wonder Project'. A collaborative early-years music, drama and visual arts programme for Traveller children and their mothers. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], OMEP Ireland, Cork, Ireland
Grainne McKenna (2013) Children's Services Committees in Ireland. [Invited Oral Presentation], CYPSC National Event, Dublin Castle , 19-SEP-13 - 19-SEP-13
Dr Jane O'Kelly is an Assistant Professor in the DCU Institute of Education. Her research interests include further education and training, professional practice in teaching adults, learner voice, blended learning and peer and self-directed learning. She lectures in Creative Instructional Design, Research methodologies and approaches, Work-based reflective practice and professional practice in education. She is the Chair of the BSc in Education and Training and manages the placement year for students seeking accreditation as tutors in further education and training. Her background includes working in the National Centre for Guidance in Education and Leargas, supporting policy and practice in adult education, vocational education and training (VET) and guidance. She has strong ties to European Commission funded VET programmes through twenty years of administration, management, evaluation and report writing in the Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+. She has a deep interest in contributing to the development of the further education sector in Ireland through research and evaluation on pedagogy, peer support and learner-centred practice, both to support the continuing professional development of educators and trainers, and to improve outcomes for adult returners and older learners.
Tá suim agam in oideachas múinteoirí agus i ngach gné de theagasc na Gaeilge agus de theagasc trí Ghaeilge sa bhunscoil. Cuirim suim chomh maith sa taighde ar dhátheangachas, ar thumoideachas agus ar mhúineadh an dara teanga i gcoitinne.
I am interested in teacher education and language teaching with a particular interest in the teaching of Irish as a subject and as a medium of instruction. This encompasses aspects of bilingualism, immersion education and second language teaching and learning.
Tá taighde curtha i gcrích agam ar Ghaeilge labhartha na bpáistí i scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge, ar mhúnlaí soláthar tumoideachais, ar chur chuige ionduchtach do mhúineadh na gramadaí.
I have conducted studies on the spoken Irish of pupils in Irish immersion schools, an analysis of the Irish-medium education sector, an inductive approach to grammar in Irish immersion education and teachers' continuing professional development needs. My latest work focused on continuity and attrition in Irish immersion education.
Rosie Savage is an Assistant Professor in the School of Inclusive and Special Education and was Programme Chair of the Professional Diploma in Special and Inclusive Education between 2015 and 2018. She has more than twenty years teaching experience at primary, post-primary and higher education levels. She currently leads six postgraduate modules and teaches across a range of programmes at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. She has supervised a number of students at Masters level.
Rosie is in her 4th year of doctoral research at Queen's University, Belfast, exploring the educational needs of children in care. She holds a MA (Hons) in Sociology from the University of Edinburgh, a M.Sc. in Medical Sociology from the University of London (ESRC award) , a M.Ed. in Inclusive and Special Education from the University of Birmingham and a PG Certificate in Asperger Syndrome. Rosie also holds a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education from the Institute of Education, University of London where she qualified as a teacher. She is a qualified Nurture Group teacher and Emotion Coach.
She has worked for over 25 years in education in both the UK and Ireland. She draws on significant educational experience obtained in a wide range of secondary and primary schools in the UK as a teacher, Head of Department (GCSE and A Level Sociology) and member of the senior management team. She has taught in highly diverse mainstream classrooms, specialist provisions (autism and Nurture Groups) and in a specialist residential school for learners with SEBD.
Rosie also has considerable assessment experience, leading the national state examinations for GCSE and A Level Sociology for the AQA and implementing AfL in her classroom for over a decade.