DLSS Orientation Group 2024 St. Patrick's Campus

Orientation Group: Support for New DCU Students St. Patrick's Campus

This group is designed to help Disability Students transition smoothly into university life. Facilitated by DLSS staff, including Disability Officers, Occupational therapists, Academic writing advisors and  Assistive Technology Officers, the group offers practical guidance and support.

Where: St. Patrick's Campus E-Block Room E203

When: 23rd Sept - 26th Sept 2024 at 1pm 

How long: 20-30 minutes of content followed by 15-30 minutes of lunch and Q&A.

Session Topics:

  • Day 1- 23rd Sep 2024: Introduction to DLSS (Facilitator: Disability Officer Mary/Mags) - Signing up for DLSS, understanding accommodations, differences between school and college.
  • Day 2- 24th Sep 2024: Technology Tools for Success (Facilitator: Assistive technology Officer- Trevor) - Assistive technology, using DCU Microsoft and Google accounts, and online timetable tips.
  • Day 3- 25th Sep 2024: Writing Skills Workshop (Facilitator:Academic writing Advisor- Serge) - Essay writing basics and library training sessions, info on academic writing workshops
  • Day 4- 26th Sep 2024: Sensory and Stress Regulation (Facilitator: Jaiee/Susan) - Self-regulation, emotional management, and finding quiet spaces on campus.


Registration is preferred but walk-ins are welcome. Please register using the webform below. Registration will help us arrange the sandwiches provided daily , Please convey if there are any food preferences or allergies.


Join us to ease into your university life, build connections, and get the most out of your University experience!


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