Open Call - DCU Visual Artists in Residence in collaboration with Fire Station Artists' Studios
In 2019, DCU established two Visual Artists in Residence opportunities on All Hallows campus in collaboration with the Fire Station Artists’ Studios (FSAS). In 2020, DCU published its first Arts and Culture Plan which reinforced a commitment to establish infrastructure and supports for artists across its campuses in North Dublin. This enriches the DCU environment and the experience for both staff and students. We are also delivering on our mission to integrate Arts and Culture into the life and future of DCU. To read about some of our previous artists in residence see DCU Arts and Culture website.
The studios and other supports
Selected visual artists are given access to a studio space in DCU All Hallows Campus for a period of 12 months. Each studio measures 3m x 5m and is located in the historic surrounds of Drumcondra House. While there is running water in the studio, it is unlikely to be suitable for wet processes. The studios are ideal for computer work, research work and/or base, making on a small scale and process driven work. The two studios are located beside each other. Each studio is accessible during DCU’s opening hours (Monday to Saturday 8am until 9pm). The two selected visual artists will work at their own pace, in a stimulating environment.
These residencies provide access to additional opportunities to support the growth and development of an artist's professional career. Supports include access to:
- Academic communities across three campuses
- Other Artists in Residence
- Library and research facilities
- Public lectures, talks and cultural events at DCU
- Space for workshops where feasible
- Guidance from the Cultural Arts Officer
The facilities and resources of FSAS are also highlighted in this residency, which are accessible to artists at highly subsidised rates. These resources must be booked in advance as they are highly subscribed to, and can be booked directly through FSAS.
What is required of the residency recipient?
Each DCU Artist in Residence is required to:
- Complete the residency in a 12 months period. This may be extended under certain criteria.
- Maintain monthly contact with DCU Cultural Arts Officer
- Engage with the University environment (academic communities, research, collaborations).
- Present at least one event/programme activity (such as an artist’s lecture, talk or workshop) during the University semester.
- Complete an evaluation at the end of the residency.
Who can apply?
- Professional visual artists, with a demonstrable track record of active engagement in the Visual Arts sector (see below).
- Artists who want to build working relationships or lasting connections at DCU.
- Artists working in any medium including but not limited to: photography; painting; installation; socially engaged practice; digital media and video. The two studios are small in size, and not suitable for large sculptural projects or large painting.
What do we mean by experienced Professional Visual Artist?
To apply for this residency an artist should have experience of at least THREE in this list:
- Solo exhibition of your work in a gallery or visual art centre (one person show)
- Have had work included in more than 5 exhibitions or events (group or solo shows)
- Have had an International Residency
- Have received arts funding or award for art
- Have had work purchased or commissioned by government, museum or corporate client for inclusion in a recognised collection
- Registered as a professional artist or self-employed artist in the country you live in
- Graduated with Degree or Diploma in Art or associated studies with your medium
- Have been a practicing artist for more than 5 years
How to Apply?
Artists who wish to apply for this residency, should submit the following on one PDF document:
- A cover letter detailing the applicant’s interest in this residency, proposing your project for the allocated residency period, and how being within the DCU community would benefit your practice. The letter should be no longer than 500 words.
- Curriculum vitae (maximum three pages)
- Supporting documentation, including details of at least 2 projects undertaken during the past five years.
- High quality captioned images (up to 5), video or audio files should be submitted through links to relevant website e.g. youtube, vimeo – please ensure your links work well.
- Please send the application in one PDF document. Do not send images as separate attachments or the application will not be reviewed by the panel.
Closing date for applications: 12pm, Friday 14th June .
Applications should be marked ‘DCU Residency Application’ and emailed (in one pdf file) to
Selection Process
The selection panel will consist of members of the DCU Visual Arts Committee, a representative to Fire Station Artists’ Studios and a professional artist. An assessment will be made based on the following criteria:
Demonstrated track record and experience |
Demonstrated potential to develop their practice over the course of the residency | 40% |
Proposal, in particular the intention to engage with the university community and how being on site will help in the artistic practice | 20% |
The panel reserves the right to invite shortlisted applicants to interview. The process will be conducted in accordance with DCU’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy to promote equality of opportunity for all. Therefore, we are keen to receive applications from practicing Visual Artists who reflect the diversity of Irish society.
Criteria for extending the residency period
- The artist is working alongside a DCU researcher or academic programme on a project and requires up to a further 6 months to complete this collaboration.
- The extension is approved by DCU’s Cultural Arts Office.