DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme 24/25

DCU Arts and Culture
DCU Arts and Culture is now inviting applications from staff for DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme 2024/25. The funding will support members of the DCU staff community who want to organise and engage in a wide range of artistic and cultural activities - from cinema, to dance, to literature, and more. The scheme has a focus on encouraging arts and culture proposals that allow for engagement with the wider DCU community and communities in North Dublin. The impetus for this funding call comes from the DCU Arts and Culture Plan, with its mission to “integrate Arts and Culture into the life and future of DCU”.
What kind of projects will the DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme support?
The panel will give priority to projects that:
- Create new opportunities for staff to bring their artistic talents to a wider audience.
- Support artistic and creative projects that engage with our communities (See Community Engagement Guidelines below)
- Creatively engage with the idea of a University of Impact and/or explore the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Bring diverse members of the DCU community together through arts and culture.
What types of art forms and activities does the DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme support?
The call supports a wide range of artistic projects in art forms including visual art, music, dance, literature, cinema, theatre, poetry, circus, digital arts and more. Eligible activities can include but are not restricted to Workshops, Performances, Exhibitions, Concerts, Masterclasses, Film Showings, Readings and Arts Participation.
What kind of projects are not eligible for DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme support?
- Projects that fail to involve and/or engage local community members, or that fail to involve/engage with a diverse cross section of the DCU community.
- Projects designed to support specific teaching modules.
- Projects that have already taken place.
- Projects that propose to pay non-professional participants or amateur artists.
Who can apply?
- All DCU Staff (individuals and groups)
- While applications from individuals are accepted, priority will be given to proposals that can show you have gathered a core group of people willing to organise and deliver the project or activity.
How do I apply for the DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme?
Applicants must fill out the online form here.
There are two deadlines for this round. The deadlines for applications are 12pm on November 28th 2024, and January 16th 2025.
Applicants wishing to be considered for funding must:
- Demonstrate a clear Artistic Vision.
- Include a clear description of Proposed Activities that meet some or all of the Call Objectives (see below).
- Indicate a level of Community Engagement (see below).
- Lay out a feasible Project Timeline. Activities must take place by end of August 2025.
- Include a Detailed Budget - itemising expenditure, any other sources of funding.
- Late applications will not be considered.
What do we mean by ‘Community Engagement’?
We mean engagement with members of our surrounding communities in North Dublin. We also include in this, projects that engage a diverse mix of the DCU Community across campuses, faculties, units etc. Examples could include:
- Collaborations with local community groups on an arts or creative project.
- DCU arts activities performed/presented in local communities.
- Projects that ensure significant attendance and/or involvement of community members at arts events on DCU campuses.
- Projects that involve consultation with community members as part of an artistic process.
- Projects that reflect the diversity of our North Dublin communities.
- Activities that make new connections between faculties, campuses, units etc.
- Arts and Culture collaborations between diverse groups of staff and students.
Priority will be given to proposals which show they have begun engaging with the community, even if this is only an initial contact e.g. letters of agreement with community groups, indications of interest via email etc.
Do I need to supply additional information/material?
All applications must include a Detailed Budget, clearly stating items of proposed expenditure, the level of support being requested from the DCU Arts and Culture Funding Scheme and any other sources of funding already sourced to support your proposal.
Applications must also include 2 examples of previous arts-related work that you or your collaborators have been involved in. All examples of work must be uploaded on one pdf document and can include website links to art work, videos etc. Multiple support documents will not be reviewed.
What happens if I have already secured some funding for my activity?
We encourage applicants to seek funding in addition to the support offered by DCU Arts and Culture. Activities that can show additional income sources in their budget may be given priority.
What’s the maximum funding award under this call?
Grants will range in size up to a maximum award of €600. The fund is limited, so even if successful, you may not receive the full amount applied for.
What kind of costs are eligible under the scheme?
Funding awards can be used for costs that include, but are not limited to, fees for professional artists collaborating on the project, fees for workshop facilitators, fees for technical personnel, venue and equipment hire, consumables and art materials. Please note applications involving professional artists must include appropriate rates of pay.
What costs are ineligible under the scheme?
The scheme does not fund costs such as hospitality, travel, capital costs, significant equipment purchase (over €200), gifts, utility costs, administrative costs or production of commercial recordings. Fees paid to DCU students, DCU staff and community participants are not eligible costs. The selection panel reserves the right to disallow spending on other items not explicitly listed above.
Can my activity involve children under 18?
If your project involves working with children and young people under the age of 18 you will need to show that proper child-protection policies and procedures are in place.
How the application is assessed?
The applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- Artistic Assessment: 30%
- Community Engagement: 30%
- Feasibility: 40%
What happens if my application is successful?
You will receive a letter of offer, containing the terms and conditions of your funding and the support you can expect regarding the promotion of your event.
Funding awards to staff applicants will be paid through a School/Unit/Centre subcost.
If you receive funding, you must submit a completion report within 30 days of the end of the activity. Activities must be completed by end of August 2025.
Who can I contact if I have a query about the process?
Please send any questions to DCU Cultural Arts Officer: Marcella Bannon marcella.bannon@dcu.ie