Echo by Alana Barton, 2022

Medium: Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
Dimensions: 130 x 165cm
Commissioned by: DCU Staff

In 2022, Dublin City University (DCU) commissioned a new artwork for the University Art Collection. The location for this artwork was St. Patrick’s campus, home to the Institute of Education (IoE). Over nine weeks, 13 dedicated staff members from DCU engaged in an acquisition and curatorial project titled ‘Your Collection, Your Choice’. From a long list of 41 talented artists, the group selected Deirdre Frost for the Glasnevin campus reception and Alana Barton for the St. Patrick’s campus. Alana Barton caught the group's attention with her award-winning piece, ‘Spellbound’, at the RHA Annual Exhibition that year.

Artist Alana Barton, a girl with long brown hair tied up wearing a grey jumper sits in her studio

Alana Barton

Why Alana Barton?

Alana Barton’s work resonated with themes of childhood, new beginnings, growth, and transformation. Her ability to blend figurative and abstract elements in a vibrant aesthetic creates dreamlike states and alternative realities. The group was particularly taken by her palette of pink, orange, purple, and mint green, which evoke feelings of renewal and spring. Alana’s artwork was chosen for its alignment with the IoE’s ethos and ambition. Her creations reflect the essence of possibility, playfulness, and the imaginative qualities of childhood. They perfectly complement the Institute’s mission to nurture and develop children’s strengths and imaginations in engaging and inclusive ways.

Painting of two children, both female. One wears a purple dress and one wears a bright pink dress. Both girls are playing with building blocks

Echo by Alana Barton, 2022

The Artwork

Commissioned by Dublin City University for the St. Patrick’s campus, the brief highlighted the college's emphasis on nurturing and developing the strengths and imaginations of future educators through innovative approaches like STEM education and play-based learning. Drawing inspiration from these themes of potential, playfulness, and the future, Alana created a painting that symbolises the promise of a better future while capturing the joy of discovery.  


About DCU St. Patrick’s Campus and IoE

St. Patrick’s campus, one of DCU’s three main campuses in North Dublin, hosts the Institute of Education, a centre of expertise in teacher education. With over 4000 students annually, the IoE is dedicated to innovative educational approaches, including STEM education and play-based learning. These students will shape the future of education, carrying forward DCU's mission to engage and broaden community involvement.

Biography of the Artist

Alana Barton is an Irish visual artist based at Queen Street Studios in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Her paintings explore childhood and family relationships. Using a blend of figurative and abstract elements, she examines how complex emotions are captured in delicate gestures and expressions. Drawing inspiration from memory and nostalgia, she explores movement and colour to convey dream-like atmospheres that emerge through a playful approach to painting. Alana completed her BA from Ulster University in 2016, and her work can be found in multiple collections including; the OPW, Arts Council of Northern Ireland, University of Ulster and DCU.