Aifric MacAodha
Athbhliain faoi shéan is faoi mhaise daoibh! Aifric Mac Aodha is ainm dom agus tá mé súil go mór le tréimhse a chaitheamh in bhur measc i mo scríbhneoir cónaithe Gaeilge. Is in Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge atá mé lonnaithe, áit a mbeidh fáilte agam roimh chuairteoirí i gcónaí.
Tá na blianta caite agam ag obair i m’eagarthóir agus aithnímse ón taithí sin agus ó mo thaithí phearsanta féin go ngabhann gliondar croí le saothar a fheiceáil i gcló den chéad uair. Tá súil agam go gcothóidh mé deiseanna den chineál sin do scríbhneoirí úra an champais.
Cuirim romham tinte ealaíne a lasadh thall is abhus! Ba bhreá liom obair i gcomhar le lucht na hOllscoile, cuir i gcás, féachaint le saothar cruthaitheach a chrochadh ar na fallaí. Ba dheas an ní é, chomh maith, cóstaeirí filíochta a dhearadh do na siopaí caife inár dtimpeall.
Is mór agam an deis seo freastal ar scríbhneoirí an champais. Fáilte is fiche roimh shaothar nua etc.:
Happy New Year! My name is Aifric Mac Aodha and I am looking forward to spending time with you as Irish-Language Writer-in-Residence.
I have spent years working as an editor and I know from that, and from personal experience, the unique joy of having work published for the first time. I hope I can serve DCU writers on that particular path.
I know that sharing our extraordinary language and literature with you is a privilege. Along with readings, talks and workshops, I aim to promote Irish-language literature in other ways: watch out for poetry in unexpected places! I am located in Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge. Visitors are always welcome, as are suggestions etc.:
Aifric Mac Aodha is a poet and editor. She published her first collection, Gabháil Syrinx, in 2010 (An Sagart). She spent a period as editor of Comhar and for several years she has been Irish-language editor for various journals including The Stinging Fly, Poetry Ireland Review and gorse. She has received many bursaries from the Arts Council of Ireland and was the winner of the Oireachtas Prize for Poetry in 2017. Her latest bilingual collection is Foreign News (The Gallery Press, 2017) with translations by David Wheatley. She lives in Dublin.
This position is funded jointly by the Arts Council and DCU, a long-standing partnership that provides university students with an opportunity to work with and learn from writers of distinction, and to enable writers to develop their work while in a position of relative financial stability.