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DCU CREDNE - Forging Creativity
DCU Credne image - Welcome

Forging Creativity

Welcome to Credne, DCU’s creativity resource hub.

This initiative aims to encourage creativity in higher education – to get you thinking about it, reading about it and using it, whatever your field or discipline.

From podcasts with creativity experts and creative practitioners to quick ideas for lecture activities, Credne’s resources are aimed at staff and students across DCU and beyond.

Where’s the Creativity?

Everyone is creative, and every discipline is rich in potential creativity. Credne is here to help unlock that potential.

Want to get some insights into creativity in theory or in practice? Listen to our podcast series.

Want a quick activity to foster creativity in lectures? Browse our Speedy Techniques.

Want to know what we actually mean by “creativity”? The Library of Creativity is a good place to find out.

We also run workshops for DCU staff that explore ways to foster creativity in higher education, and have our own creativity curriculum.