DCU Institute for Climate and Society
DCU Institute for Climate and Society

Climate Justice Week

Climate justice views the climate crisis through a human rights lens. It recognises that climate change affects people unequally, and that it is those who are most vulnerable and least responsible for climate change, that suffer its gravest consequences. To seek climate justice is to seek justice for all. It means working to make meaningful progress to protect everyone - at the local-level and beyond.


The DCU Centre for Climate and Society is holding a Climate Justice Week on 20-24 March 2023 as the theme for the DCU Students' Union 2023 Green Week. The week was organised by Centre postdoctoral researcher Dr Brenda McNally with the support of the DCU Sustainability Team and Centre PhD candidates: Asma Yaqoob, Jack Campbell, Maeve Howe, Muhammad Sayyam Afazal, Rabia Qusien, and Sukanya Shukla. 


All are welcome to join activities being held throughout the week, to explore issues of climate justice and learn about community initiatives that work to provide more equitable and inclusive responses to the climate crisis. 


Climate Justice Week Programme