
The DCU Centre for Climate and Society is Ireland’s first academic research centre devoted to promoting perspectives on climate change from the social sciences and humanities. The Centre’s research, education, and engagement activities start from the premise that the solutions to climate change are available, and that the blocks to action are to be found in social processes and dynamics.

The Centre examines how different social arenas such as politics, media, education, business and policy can influence climate action.

Q&A With Centre Director Dr Dave Robbins

DCU’s Strategic Plan

The research centre directly responds to a key element in the DCU Strategic Plan 2017-2022; specifically, it aligns with the commitment in the Plan to “place sustainability at the core of the university” (Strategic Goal 8). This strategic goal states that “Sustainability will play a key role in our academic and research activities... We will also promote research focusing on sustainability. Such activity is likely to build on existing strengths and existing international collaborations.”


Our expertise

The range of academic disciplines represented in the research centre includes:

  • Climate change communication
  • Journalism Studies
  • Climate law, policy and governance
  • Climate education
  • Environmental ethics and literacy
  • The political economy of climate change, low-carbon transition and the just transition
  • Geography
  • Climate Finance and Sustainability Accounting


Our Advisory Board

For more information on our Advisory Board, click here