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New volunteer strategy at DCU to enhance student volunteering opportunities
New volunteer strategy at DCU to enhance student volunteering opportunities

New volunteer strategy at DCU to enhance student volunteering opportunities

New Volunteer strategy at DCU to enhance student volunteering opportunities 

“I see this, the first such strategy amongst higher education institutes, as a great achievement” - Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD 

DCU has today launched a volunteer strategy which hopes to develop further pathways for DCU students to volunteer and engage civically in their local communities and beyond.

The strategy forms part of the wider university strategic plan and is led by DCU Volunteer, who act as a bridge between the university, its staff, students and connected communities locally, nationally and internationally.

In a message of support, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring TD, commended the University’s efforts:

“Congratulations to all in DCU on your first Volunteer Strategy. I see this, the first such strategy amongst higher education institutes, as a great achievement. 

We in Ireland have always had a strong volunteering tradition. During Covid-19 we have seen first-hand how volunteers have stepped up to support the vulnerable in our communities.

I would encourage every student volunteering in DCU to continue with your tremendous work. The launch of this strategy will further enhance your student volunteering opportunities and will formally recognise and reward each student.”

Student volunteering activity is deeply rooted in the history of DCU and provides links with already strongly established initiatives, such as the Uaneen Module, and the Engage Award. This strategy hopes to build upon this strong culture of civic activity, further enhance student volunteering opportunities and to formally recognise and reward student volunteering at DCU.

Welcoming the strategy document, Professor Daire Keogh, DCU President Designate said:

“While the timing of this launch is curious, in the middle of a health crisis, on one hand the crisis gives us a perfect opportunity to reflect where we are and on the things that are important such as the values of friendship, the importance of community and particularly the value of collaborating together.”

Professor Ronnie Munck, Head of Civic Engagement at DCU, added:

“Everyone who passes through DCU has the capability to make an impact on their community and environment, so many students already do so. Our hope is to make volunteering accessible to all, a positive and a transformative experience for all involved.

Ruth Lynam, Student Volunteer Coordinator at DCU noted:

“Volunteering is one way in which we can support our students to realise their value as civic anchors in society - building a sustainable future of active engagement and contribution to the public good. Our mission is to engage, inform and inspire our students to be civically driven and active in their communities.”

To view the strategy document visit www.dcu.ie/volunteer