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Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education


Completed programmes and research projects

Climate change and climate justice research and resource development

Recognising climate change as one of the most significant global justice issues of our time, the CHRCE has undertaken research and developed education programmes around climate justice.

The initial research programme, conducted 2011 to 2012 involved a scoping study looking at education on climate justice in primary schools and initial teacher education. The research mapped current teaching around climate justice within teacher education colleges and identified possibilities for future programmes. It explored how teachers, student teachers, teacher educators and environmentalists understand the relationship between climate justice and education. The initial findings were presented at the annual AERA conference in Vancouver, Canada in April 2012.

Informed by the research and supported by Irish Aid, the CHRCE has developed a digital education programme providing support to primary teachers on integrating climate justice into History, English and SPHE.

Children’s Environments Initiative

The impact of children’s environments on their well being and learning is an increasingly publicised and research area. Children’s experiences of their school grounds and local environments are important to children for a number of reasons, including their well-being and learning. There is extensive research to show the lasting positive impact on children of education out of the classroom.

This project aims to:

  • Showcasing the impact of schools grounds on children’s learning and well-being
  • Sharing practice between schools of how school grounds can be improved
  • Sharing expertise on possible sources of funding for the development of school grounds
  • To share expertise on the process of developing school grounds through democratic decision making processes.