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Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education
five panel members sit during panel discussion

Towards Equality Data for All

Centre members Dr Maria Barry and Dr Malgosia Machowska-Kosciak were delighted to attend the Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission conference recently on Equality Data in Ireland.

Dr Machowska-Kosciak participated in a panel discussion on Building Momentum for Equality Data, particularly data based on racial or ethnic origin. She shared findings from a recent IHREC/CHRCE report that includes recommendations on why and how to include young people at all stages of data collection and use. Other members of the panel included Dr Gozie Offiah (RCSI), Martin Collins and Jenny Liston (Pavee Point).

The conference brought together government departments, state bodies, youth and community organisations and academics to build momentum for the collection and use of Equality data to improve access to human rights across public services in Ireland. Contributions were offered by staff from the Central Statistics Office and the Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. Delegates considered the challenges of and need for more collection and better use of existing data to progress human rights for all Irish citizens.


four attendees of the panel