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Center for Human Rights and Citizenship Education launch Innovate Project
Dr. Maria Barry (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Malgosia Machowska-Kosciak (Project Coordinator & Post-doctoral researcher)

INOVATE ‘Integrating Our Voices Across Teacher Education’

The Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education  has been awarded funding by the the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to incorporate authentic minority ethnic young people’s voices within teacher education programmes at both pre-service and in-service levels.

The specific objective of this project is to give voice to the young people and their stories with a view to increasing understanding of their experiences in teacher education programmes. 

This project will contribute to the authentic representation of young people with ethnic minority backgrounds within the education sector and an authentic and respectful public portrayal of individuals’ personal stories.

The project is unique in that it not only does it facilitate expression of young people's voices but also facilitates incorporating their authentic lived experiences in the educational research. 

If you’d like to find out more please contact Malgosia M-Kosciak malgosia.machowska-kosciak@dcu.ie or Maria Barry maria.barry@dcu.ie.



Dr. Maria Barry Principal Investigator

Dr. Malgosia Machowska-Kosciak Project Coordinator & Post-doctoral researcher


Maria Barry, Principal Investigator said:

The Centre is delighted to have been awarded funding to continue our work and research in this important area.  Previously, we have worked with primary teachers and schools, supporting them to develop their intercultural education work approaches.  This project now gives us the opportunity to focus on integrating the voices of young people with minority backgrounds across teacher education. 


Project coordinator Malgosia MacHowska-Kosciak said:

It is a wonderful project that creates amazing opportunities for young people with ethnic minority backgrounds to have their voices heard and incorporated across teacher education. Their story is our priority at every stage of the project!