Welcome to DCU's Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education (CHRCE) website.
We champion educational policy and practice which promotes human rights, children’s rights, global justice and environmental sustainability. Committed to creative, cutting-edge and collaborative approaches, both in terms of pedagogy and research methodology, the Centre draws on the varied expertise of its members, steering committee, university context and national and international partnerships. Working with governmental and non-governmental organisations, teachers and schools, the Centre is at the forefront of developments in human rights education and global citizenship education both in Ireland and internationally.
Founded in 2004 as a collaboration between St Patrick’s College DCU and Amnesty Ireland and led by Fionnuala Waldron as Chair and Brian Ruane as Programme Leader, the CHRCE is now in its third decade, and specialises in research, knowledge sharing and professional development which furthers good practice in relation to global and local citizenship and human rights education. The Centre’s expertise extends across early childhood, primary, post-primary and third level education including teacher education.
Research Areas
Human Rights Education: Drawing on expertise in education, law, sociology and psychology the Centre holds a track record in human rights and children’s rights education including having worked in partnership with Amnesty International (Irish division), the Ombudsman for Children’s Office, Pavee Point, Trocaire, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and UNESCO and having published research, resources and edited collections in this area.
Climate Change Education: Recognising climate change as the key issue of this generation, the Centre has been at the forefront of the development of research-based educational responses to the climate change challenge. This includes the recently launched Creating Futures resource.
Global Citizenship Education: The Centre has specialisms in a number of educational approaches developed as a means of tackling social issues at local, national and global level including those addressing anti-racism education, sustainable development and promoting peace and global justice.