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School of Chemical Sciences

Technologies & Facilities

Technologies & Facilities

The School of Chemical Sciences is manages several pieces of high-end instrumentation that is available to researchers within and outside the Faculty. If you are interested in accessing and/or training on specific instrumentation, please follow the link to the School's Technical Services Website in the 'About' section on our main menu.

Scanning Electron Microscope

Hitachi S3400n SEM, Tungsten system contact: Ms. Veronica Dobbyn

Magnification x 300k, Resolution 3.0 nm. Restricted access. Available for use by authorised researchers only, in the School of Chemical Sciences. Other schools by arrangement with the chief technical officer Authorised users are those who have completed scheduled training by a technical officer and have been assessed as competent on the SEM. Available in one hourly slots daily to a maximum of 8 hours per week per researcher unless by special arrangement. Key available from technical officers only. Authorised users may book time on SEM calendar on notice board outside X161.

Hitachi 3000N contact: Ms. Veronica Dobbyn

Magnification x 1000k, Resolution 0.5nm. Restricted access. Available for use by authorised researchers only, in the School of Chemical Sciences. Samples analysed by request with technical officers. Other schools by arrangement with the chief technical officer.

FeSEM Sample Submission Form can be downloaded here (pdf 198kb).


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry

Bruker Avance Ultrashield 600 contact: Mr. John McLoughlin

Controlled access only. Available for use by researchers in the School of Chemical Sciences. Samples may be run by researchers during normal working day time hours. Training is provided as per technical officers above.  Overnight samples are run every evening  Mon. - Fri. via logbook request.