Outreach and Engagement
The School of Chemical Sciences has a strong commitment to supporting and encouraging an interest in Science and Chemistry to the wider community. The staff and students are very supportive of a variety of outreach activities while also creating many such initiatives within the School.
DCU November Open Day 2024

Dr Margaret McCaul
The School welcomed students to the DCU Autumn Open Day in November 2024. The Open Days are always an energetic and busy day, with staff and students from the School engaging with all the visitors who come through the door. This year we showcased the Environmental Science and Technology degree with talks and demos, as well as lab tours and one-to-one chats. Dr Brian Kelleher and Dr Margaret McCaul did a superb job explaining how soil is sampled as cores to analyse soil quality (pictured). Dr Emma Coyle took time out from the busy stand to talk to Donnchadh from Leaving Cert Guidance on Instagram about the new entry route into Chemistry with AI, answering all the important questions that students had about the course.
Annual DCU Environmental Science and Health Field Trip with Students from Trinity Comprehensive

What can you learn in 120 seconds?
Dr Aoife Morrin has worked with DCU Faculty of Science and Health to produce a 120 second podcast on which animal has the keenest sense of smell. Can you guess before you have a listen here?
Students work with SCS staff to prepare for the EOES Competition
2nd Level Students complete their Chemistry training and selection in DCU School Chemical Sciences with SCS mentors, for the International European Olympiad of Experimental Science competition selection. The compeition takes place in Latvia in May 2023. Staff support give by Dr David O Connor, Dr Pat O Malley and John McLoughlain.
Science has moved on! Click the links below to learn all about the modern scientific instruments we use in The School of Chemical Sciences.

Chemistry has moved on!
Nuclear magnetic resonance? Sounds dangerous!
What is a scanning electron microscope?
How does electrospinning work?
Produced by Meabh Kennedy (2nd year postgraduate student, DCU SCS)
DCU School of Chemical Sciences welcomes you to participate in Science Week!
School of Biotechnology, School of Physical Sciences, School of Chemical Sciences and the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Researchers from the School of Physical Sciences, the School of Biotechnology, the School of Chemical Sciences and the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health will present a series of short public talks, demonstrations and a lab tour highlighting research in DCU focussed on addressing a range of societal challenges. Topics will include assessing water pollution, precision medicine, vaccine production, neurology, plasmas in medicine and agriculture, and green plastics. And beer.
Title: Bugs, brains, beer, boosters and beyond
Time: 15th November 18:00
Venue: XG14, Lonsdale Building, DCU Glasnevin Campus
Audience: All welcome, suitable for all ages

DCU Chemistry Staff visit Local School

Prof. Fiona Regan demonstrating science experiments.
Prof. Fiona Regan visited Scoil Chiarain in Glasnevin in April 2022 to share some hands-on chemistry and biology. From Volcanoes to Slime - there were demonstrations of acid base chemistry and making polymers in a rainbow of colours
TY students visit the school
Dr. Patrick O’Malley said the success of this initiative is thanks to the support and assistance from the SCS staff and the dedication of the SCS technical team, in particular John McLoughlin (senior technical officer) and Veronica Dobbyn (chief technical officer) with administrative support from Grace Hickey.
The dedication and skills of the SCS postgraduates is central to the success of this programme which helps to inspire the next generation of Science undergraduates. Continuation of this programme will be reviewed following the regulations with Covid 19. These include a programme of Leaving Cert experiments for visiting 5th and 6th year secondary students; a week long on-campus Transition Year placement programme; BT Young Scientist with School of Chemical Sciences representation and engagement with attendees at this event; Annual 'Higher Options' 3 day event in the RDS to outline the various Chemistry and Science undergraduate degree programmes available within our School; National and international Science competitions including International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO); European Olympiad (formerly EUSO).